Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sen. Blunt's wife raising cash for Romney (Washington Bureau)

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If You Plan On Buying Real Estate You Should Check Out These ...

You may be able to borrow an assessor?s device for measuring a house. You should do this before deciding to buy. Be certain that the square footage noted on public records and that listed by the owner are the same. These two numbers need to be approximately the same, within 100 square feet. If they don?t match, you must determine what the cause of the problem is.

When you are negotiating the price of real estate, it is best to have a moderate approach. It can be counter productive to be too aggressive in your bargain hunting. Feel sure about the deal that you?re making but always defer to your Realtor, as they can provide some very sensible information.

Look into different payment assistance solutions you can find. This along with the seller paying the closing costs will significantly reduce the amount of money you are required to save before you purchase a home.

When you are looking to purchase a new house, think about your long term picture. You might not have children right now, but if you are going to stay in this house for a long time and you will one day want kids, you should check out the schools that are in the area and make sure you would want your future kids to go there.

Always hire an inspector to look at any property that you want to purchase. The last thing you want to do is to move into a house that immediately needs significant work. In addition to wasting your money, you might even have to rent a place to live while your newly bought house gets worked on.

Do not let the price of a house you are interested in be influenced by the fact it has a view. This feature is entirely subjective and perhaps your buyer will not find it interesting. Therefore, do not over pay for a home simply because you are entranced with the view.

Prioritize your goals when negotiating your real estate deals. Look at all of the issues involved, and determine your expectations for every one of them. Your priorities are dictated by how strong your expectations are for a given issue. Throughout this process, you must never forget that it is unlikely that every goal of yours will be met. For this reason, it is important that you have some goals that maintain a certain level of flexibility.

Do your research on properties you are considering purchasing. When you are buying property to rent out, you should look at some certain things. The most important feature is ease of maintenance. What kind of upkeep will be required to keep the property in good condition? The second key feature to consider is the location of the property. Even for rental properties, location is a critical choice. As a landlord, you will have to strategically pick a location that is accessible to many retailers and providers of services for your tenants. The third is the average income of the area. Areas of high rent are going to be much more desirable, which is something important to look for when purchasing real estate. If you are considering a high rent area, you just might find that location isn?t as big of a concern as it would be in a low rent area.

Do a quantitative analysis of your area?s housing market. Try a couple of websites, including city-data.com in order to find all the important listings and data that you need on foreclosed homes. Investigate other aspects of a neighborhood, including household income, unemployment and local businesses. There are times when a great product or location can override the local trends.

Put extra money aside before buying a house in case there are any closing costs you didn?t consider when making the deal. Buyers usually calculate the closing costs by adding the down payment, the points to the bank and the pro-rated real estate taxes. Most the the time closing costs have additional items like improvement bonds, school taxes and other things that relate directly to that particular area.

Location is especially important when you are purchasing a property for your business. Be sure you set up your business in a sound location that is stable and likely to grow. You need to establish your company in a neighborhood that your customer base will be comfortable visiting. Consult with the real estate agent in regards to a more suitable location for launching a business.

Follow the tips you read to help you successfully buy your first home. Get pre-approved by your mortgage lender before beginning your home search. Your search will soon yield a brand new house to call home. Enjoy!

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3 Offbeat Ways To Market Your Business Online | Article Directory Blog


With the advent of the internet and its thousands of benefits, business owners have taken to virtual marketing to promote their businesses. And why not, when it costs much less than offline advertising, it?s easy to use, and quite accessible to all? Not only is it available for various markets to see, its reach is global and unlimited.

Other than Facebook and Twitter ads, there are also other various ways to market your business online.

LinkedIn. Just by creating a LinkedIn group, you can generate an amazing number of leads from high-end decision makers. How would you react when you have successfully created a sales funnel than brought in approximately 50 to 100 fresh and highly targeted leads every day? Wouldn?t that assure your family of food on the table for the next few weeks?

The secret to using LinkedIn to market effectively are the following:

Add keywords in your description to increase ranking in LinkedIn?s search section

Add keywords in the title of the group, for easy searching via Google

Add your company website or blog to the LinkedIn group to drive traffic to your website

Add your blog RSS feed to the group so every new article is automatically posted to the home page of every group member.

Connect people in the group by making introductions to those who could potentially do business with one another.

All these guarantee that you will get more leads for your business. Just make sure you create a group that really targets your wanted market, in your niche. Be selective also so that you eliminate all unwanted and un-influential leads from your list/group.

Banner Advertising. Placing banner ads is still an effective way to market your business on the Internet, especially is you are aiming to promote your brand. Each impression is a visual presentation of your product or service. If you target placements of your banner ads campaigns well, they will be very effective in promoting your business.

Here are some tips when using banner advertising:

Do not blindly place ads. Practice careful selection in posting them, with your target audience in mind, so to avoid wastage of money and other resources.

After making a shortlist of sites where to place your ads, get prominent ad spots ? not some bottom space which merits little or no attention.

Make your ads stand out from the rest of your competition who are most likely selling similar products ? without irritating visitors with irritating colors or content which do not make sense.

Do some testing ? post different types of ads, and test each one for effectiveness. Test ad spots also, and see which works best. Once you?ve determined which ones are the best, then you?re off to creating your most effective banner ad campaigns!

Email blasts. An email blast is the process of contacting a huge number of potential clients through email. Very similar to direct mail, an email blast differs hugely with the fact that you may personalize each message you send out ? which is a huge thing in terms of building business relationships.

How does it work, first, you must have a list of recipients ready ? maybe gathered through referrals, database purchase (although not recommended because of the lack of controlled standards), or by gathering all the email addresses of former clients. Design a template, working the content so that it answers the need of the recipients.

Then merge the email body with the contact list ? and voila, your email blast is sent in one go.

How can email blasts be effective? First, you can send your potential clients regular updates and emails to promote your products or your brand. This can also be effective in increasing repeat sales from past customers. The point is, emails remind people of the existence of your business. The truth is, there are so many people out there who are wondering ?if you?re still in business,? so remind them that you are still there to fill in their need. Sending regular emails keeps you on top of mind recall ? allowing no or very little opportunity for your competition to creep up on a former client?s need and demand.

There are various ways to get your brand going virtually. Try any one of these techniques, and notice how marketing for the now generation is much more thorough and easier. No excuse for you not to succeed!

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of My Small Business Marketing Guru. Helping small business owners generate more leads, clients and increase profits with relationship based marketing strategies. We invite you to get your free black mask marketing resources to help you business grow today, when you visit http://www.mysmallbusinessmarketingguru.com.au

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BayAreaTech ? Blog Archive ? Mtg: Networking Dinner for ...

TUESDAY June 12, 2012
SCV Professional Activities Committee for Engineers (PACE)
Casual buffet, engineers & managers, similar fields, career opportunities
Time: 6:00 PM
Cost: $15 for IEEE members, $20 for non-members
Place: Sneha Restaurant, 1214 Apollo way, SUITE 404 B, Sunnyvale
RSVP: from website
Web: sites.ieee.org/scv-pace/upcoming-events/june-12th-networking-dinner

Come join us for a casual buffet dinner and meet with other engineers and managers in the bay area.? If you are looking to expand your network, meet people in similar fields or backgrounds, this is a great event to do that.? We hope to provide an opportunity to network, discuss your work with like-minded folks, exchange career opportunities with participants, and more!
Registration cost covers dinner. Indian buffet with Veggies as well as non-Veg options will be served.
[Note that this event is not for recruiters.? There will be another formal event with candidates and recruiters on 8/14/2012.? Please stay tuned for this event by subscribing to our listserv at http://sites.ieee.org/scv-pace/ ]
The IEEE Santa Clara Valley (SCV) Section?s? Professional Activities Committee for Engineers (PACE) promotes the professional interests of IEEE?s U.S. members and provides a mechanism for communication of members? views on their professional needs.? Activities include Technical Traning courses, Workshops on career issues (networking, career planning, career transitions, personal financial planning); skill training workshops (entrepreneurship, effective speaking, technical writing), and Government Policy as it affects Engineering and Technology.

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Born to run barefoot? Some end up getting injured

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Swept by the barefoot running craze, ultramarathoner Ryan Carter ditched his sneakers for footwear that mimics the experience of striding unshod.

The first time he tried it two years ago, he ran a third of a mile on grass. Within three weeks of switching over, he was clocking six miles on the road.

During a training run with a friend along a picturesque bike path near downtown Minneapolis, Carter suddenly stopped, unable to take another step. His right foot seared in pain.

"It was as though someone had taken a hammer and hit me with it," he recalled.

Carter convinced his friend to run on without him. He hobbled home and rested his foot. When the throbbing became unbearable days later, he went to the doctor. The diagnosis: a stress fracture.

As more avid runners and casual athletes experiment with barefoot running, doctors say they are treating injuries ranging from pulled calf muscles to Achilles tendinitis to metatarsal stress fractures, mainly in people who ramped up too fast. In serious cases, they are laid up for several months.

Many converts were inspired by Christopher McDougall's 2009 best-seller "Born To Run," widely credited with sparking the barefoot running trend in the Western world. The book focuses on an Indian tribe in Mexico whose members run long distances without pain in little more than sandals.

While the ranks of people running barefoot or in "barefoot running shoes" have grown in recent years, they still represent the minority of runners. Some devotees swear they are less prone to injuries after kicking off their athletic shoes though there's no evidence that barefoot runners suffer fewer problems.

In some cases, foot specialists are noticing injuries arising from the switch to barefoot, which uses different muscles. Shod runners tend to have a longer stride and land on their heel compared with barefoot runners, who are more likely to have a shorter stride and land on the midfoot or forefoot. Injuries can occur when people transition too fast and put too much pressure on their calf and foot muscles, or don't shorten their stride and end up landing on their heel with no padding.

Podiatrist Paul Langer used to see one or two barefoot running injuries a month at his Twin Cities Orthopedics practice in Minneapolis. Now he treats between three and four a week.

"Most just jumped in a little too enthusiastically," said Langer, an experienced runner and triathlete who trains in his barefoot running shoes part of the week.

Bob Baravarian, chief of podiatry at the UCLA Medical Center in Santa Monica, Calif., said he's seen "a fair number" of heel injuries and stress fractures among first-timers who are not used to the different forces of a forefoot strike.

"All of a sudden, the strain going through your foot is multiplied manifold" and problems occur when people don't ease into it, he said.

Running injuries are quite common. Between 30 to 70 percent of runners suffer from repetitive stress injuries every year and experts can't agree on how to prevent them. Some runners with chronic problems have seized on barefoot running as an antidote, claiming it's more natural. Others have gone so far as to demonize sneakers for their injuries.

Pre-human ancestors have walked and run in bare feet for millions of years often on rough surfaces, yet researchers surprisingly know very little about the science of barefoot running. The modern running shoe with its cushioned heel and stiff sole was not invented until the 1970s. And in parts of Africa and other places today, running barefoot is still a lifestyle.

The surging interest has researchers racing for answers. Does barefoot running result in fewer injuries? What kinds of runners will benefit most from switching over? What types of injuries do transitioning barefoot runners suffer and how to prevent them?

While some runners completely lose the shoes, others opt for minimal coverage. The oxymoron "barefoot running shoes" is like a glove for the feet designed to protect from glass and other hazards on the ground. Superlight minimalist shoes are a cross between barefoot shoes and traditional sneakers ? there's little to no arch support and they're lower profile.

Greg Farris decided to try barefoot running to ease the pain on the outside of his knee, a problem commonly known as runner's knee. He was initially shoeless ? running minutes at a time and gently building up. After three months, he switched to barefoot running shoes after developing calluses.

Halfway through a 5K run in January, he felt his right foot go numb, but he pushed on and finished the race. He saw a doctor and got a steroid shot, but the pain would not quit. He went to see another doctor, who took an X-ray and told him he had a stress fracture.

Farris was in a foot cast for three months. He recently started running again ? in sneakers.

"I don't think my body is made to do it," he said, referring to barefoot running.

Experts say people can successfully lose the laces. The key is to break in slowly. Start by walking around barefoot. Run no more than a quarter mile to a mile every other day in the first week. Gradually increase the distance. Stop if bones or joints hurt. It can take months to make the change.

"Don't go helter skelter at the beginning," said Dr. Jeffrey Ross, an associate clinical professor of medicine at Baylor College of Medicine and chief of the Diabetic Foot Clinic at Ben Taub General Hospital in Houston.

A year and a half ago, Ross saw a steady stream ? between three and six barefoot runners a week ? with various aches and pain. It has since leveled off to about one a month.

Ross doesn't know why. It's possible that fewer people are trying it or those baring their feet are doing a better job adapting to the new running style.

There's one group foot experts say should avoid barefoot running: People with decreased sensation in their feet, a problem common among diabetics, since they won't be able to know when they get injured.

Harvard evolutionary biologist Daniel Lieberman runs a lab devoted to studying the effects of running form on injury rates. He thinks form matters more than footwear or lack of ? don't overstride, have good posture and land gently.

In a 2010 study examining different running gaits, Lieberman and colleagues found that striking the ground heel first sends a shock up through the body while barefoot runners tend to have a more springy step. Even so, more research is needed into whether barefoot running helps avoid injury.

"The long and the short of it is that we know very little about how to help all runners ? barefoot and shod ? prevent getting injured. Barefoot running is no panacea. Shoes aren't either," said Lieberman, who runs barefoot except during the New England winters.

Carter, the ultramarathoner, blames himself for his injury. Before he shed his shoes, he never had a problem that kept him off his feet for two months.

In April, he ran his fourth 100-mile race ? with shoes. Meanwhile, his pair of barefoot running shoes is collecting dust in the closet.







Follow Alicia Chang at http://www.twitter.com/SciWriAlicia

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