Thursday, February 28, 2013

THQ selling more IPs in new auction | GamesRadar

THQ is to sell a number of its remaining intellectual properties in a new auction.

While many of the bankrupt publisher's biggest assets were acquired last month following an initial auction, the company now hopes to shift six designated lots of IP titles through a new court-supervised sale process.

These include the Darksiders, Red Faction, MX and Homeworld franchises. It will also auction off other owned software such as de Blob, Juiced and Destroy All Humans!, and other licensed software including Marvel Super Hero, Supreme Commander and Worms.

Initial bids must be submitted by April 1 and final bids by April 15. The sale process is expected to be completed by mid-May. THQ claims to have received over 100 expressions of interest in purchasing various titles.

For more on the origins, rise and fall of the publisher, check out this recent GR feature on the history of THQ.


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BII REPORT: The Mobile Advertising Ecosystem ... - Business Insider

We are in the post-PC era, and soon billions of consumers will be carrying around Internet-connected mobile devices for up to 16 hours a day.?
Mobile audiences have exploded as a result.

Mobile advertising should be a bonanza, similar to online advertising a decade ago. However, it has been a bit slow off the ground, and its growth trajectory is not clear cut.

In a recent report from?BI?Intelligence?on the mobile advertising ecosystem, we?explain the complexities and fractures, and examine the central and dynamic roles played by mobile ad networks, demand side platforms, mobile ad exchanges, real-time bidding, agencies, brands, and new companies hoping to upend the traditional banner ad.

Access The Full Report And Data By Signing Up For A Free Trial Today >>

Here's the dynamics surrounding the mobile advertising ecosystem:

  • Mobile advertising is relatively tiny:?U.S. mobile ad revenue was $1.2 billion last year, a tiny fraction of overall U.S. ad spend.?And most "mobile ads" were simply search and display ads viewed on mobile.??According to BI Intelligence estimates, mobile advertising is on track to hit $3.2 billion this year.?
  • Why??Mobile CPMS are low, and ads are oftentimes intrusive.?Ad spending has therefore not caught up with time spent on mobile.?These will remain significant challenges to mobile ads.
  • Also, the mobile ad ecosystem is very complex:?The mobile ad ecosystem is not as strictly delineated as the desktop ecosystem.?In mobile advertising, the rules of the road change with different combinations of device, wireless operator, and operating system.
  • And there are few shared protocols or standards: Mobile lacks the technical consensus that enables ad targeting, delivery, and measurement to work fairly seamlessly across the desktop world.?As the mobile ad industry matures it will likely become more streamlined and simple, but for now there are innumerable actors interacting with one another and attempting to find a niche.
  • The display ad category presents a dynamic and complicated future:?Google?dominated the paid search category, which accounted for?62 percent of mobile global ad spend last year. But, mobile ad networks, demand side platforms, mobile ad exchanges are all part of a dynamic ecosystem that is constantly evolving and trying to grow non-search mobile related advertising. New companies are also testing out and finding some success with mobile native ad formats.?

In full, the?report:

To access BI Intelligence's full reports on The Mobile Advertising Ecosystem, sign up for a free trial subscription here.


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013


As threatened, I'm posting my thoughts, opinions and observations on RP here, written in a friendly and approachable Guideline format.
Of course, this is just my take on it and naturally you can take it or leave it, they aren't rules!
I hope it is useful and interesting!

Plenty of craziness to share,
- Saaki.

Character creation

Stereotype vs. Original

The characters we role-players love to create seem to be an extension of ourselves. We take bits of ourselves, from our own characteristics, our own experiences, our own wants and wishes, and with these things we create.

From my own experience creating characters, I?ve found a great way to start and things to keep in mind while creating. These are my opinions, not laws or rules, they might not even be the best ways, take from this what you want and I hope it?s interesting.

The beginning of character creation for me is finding what I want to express through the character. I never start with the skin I put my character in.

The skin you zip your character in has nothing to do with who they are.

Stereotype Example:
* A red-haired girl with glasses is a bookworm and a nerd, she gets bullied at school. She?s shy and intelligent.
* A big brute of a lad with muscles and a tendency to get into fights is thick and makes a fool of himself.

This hasn?t told you a great deal about their character.

My Example:
* Kor is anger at injustice, she wouldn?t stay quiet, she would speak up when normally people stay silent. She wouldn?t take things lying down, if push came to shove, she?d shove first and make sure they didn?t get up again.
* Raiden is insanity, not the innocent, harmless insanity, but a murderous, ?I will kill you? kind. A bestial, primitive person who cared only for survival.
* Lilin is innocence, nurture. She would do anything for anyone, even if it meant she?d get hurt. She?d help because she could, not for what she?d get in return.

In these three examples, I?ve not said a word what they look like, but already, you can tell they?re people. I could give them any skin I wanted, Lilin could be a short red haired geek, a tall beautiful willowy girl or a muscular, brutish troll.
Where as, the first examples, you could forget them easily.

Once you have a basic form, ?a male, alcoholic, trickster? you can start fleshing them out.
Pose your character basic questions and make sure they can answer it.
* Why is he an alcoholic? - Maybe he got in with the wrong crowd when he was a youth. Maybe he drowns a hidden misery in the numbness of alcohol. Maybe he doesn?t see the point in life without drink.
* Why does he trick people? - Maybe he got badly hurt once. Maybe he doesn?t feel safe. Maybe he doesn?t know how to be truthful.
Who knows, you as the creator definitely should have at least an idea!
Any of these maybes create new questions.
* If he doesn?t know how to be truthful, Why?
*If he drowns a hidden misery, What misery?
I?m sure the answers will create more questions. The more answers, the firmer and more solid your character will be, without grey areas.

Never, ever, ever do something with your character that is Out Of Character.
* Kor would never run back to pick someone up who had fallen while fleeing. She believes in survival of the fittest.
* Raiden would never willingly go into a bright light, because it triggers his mania episodes. (unless, of course, his love was going to die if he didn?t.)
* Lilin would never kill anyone. (unless it was dire self defence and she had no other choice, or an accident.)

After you know your character a little better, normally you already know their name, it just leaps out at you, often.
But, sometimes, names can be trick some, elusive things.

Think about the character and try picking out letters that suit their temperament.
Think about smooth, sharp, hard and soft letters.
It?s up to you what letters feel like, what you associate them with and what they mean to you.

Tips for character History:

Birth (How and Location)
Upbringing (How and Location)
Parents (Who? Why?)
Siblings (Who? When? Why?)

Child Characteristics and Turning Points:
Tutored / schooled (How, Location and Who?)
First time of event (Who, How, and many more questions.)
First partner, first pet, first experience of death, etc.
Living Circumstance
Likes and Dislikes
Alignment (good or bad)
Attitude - Behaviour
State in Society (wealthy or poor)
Mental state (positive or negative)
Physical state (Well, Ill, Fit, Unfit, Disabled, Able.)
and finally


Fairness, Trust and Understanding.

RPing is to do with preference, how you introduce your character, how you describe them and their surroundings, if you start a scene in the fray or casual. It is based on your character, who will define everything you write:


Speech, what character says. "Hail, friend."
Action, what character does, movement, big or small.
Emotion, what character feels.
Setting/Surrounding, what character notices, or becomes apparent in background/story line.
Thought, character thoughts. 'Why did I say that?'
- also used in telepathic-speech, 'Hey, watch out!'
Atmosphere, of character, and/or surroundings.
Cause and Effect, something happens, so what happens as a result.

The reason for these categories is that having a block of Information is often just too hard to digest and picture, our minds and imagination will always work in its proffered way. Imagination will always fill in the blanks, only needing a hint to build a picture.

I will use an example:
Flinn put the glass on his table as he sat, running his palm over the well varnished, yet scarred wood. His fingers brushed over the most recent indentation, where his knife had struck in anger last night.
He didn't exactly remember what had happened, there had been too much drink, one too many girls trying to get to him. His woman had become angry and challenged him in this room.
He didn't remember where she was, either, couldn't remember if she had left in a flood of tears, as she had so many times before, or if she lay in his bed asleep, as she did most other times.
Waking up on the sofa did have advantages, but the sore neck was bothering him greatly.
He rubbed the crick in his spine as he held the glass to his throbbing head.
'Must cut down on the drink..'
In that completely off the top of my head scene, I am partially describing the Surroundings, but mostly the Emotion, the Character.
A vague history and small incident has been hinted, also vaguely suggesting that this has happened before. You also see he might have a problem with drink.
As one of the things I've read about stories, the key part in a scene, is something has to Change, and that is the Catch that snags the attention of the reader. In this, you are instantly thrown into a slight dilemma, given reason to Catch, a history that also can suggest a Future, whether dark or light. Do tell me if I am wrong!
I could go into more depth about the room, thus explaining it. But, as always, the readers imagination will always fill in the blanks. So rather than specifics of where things are and how they're placed, Hint at it, make it important to the Character, because if they don't notice it, why is it even important? It can always be added later, broadening the Surroundings, clearing the Blanks in the image you build.
His eyes opened slowly, still hazy from his brain pounding headache. The plaster wall across the room spun out of focus, forcing his eyes to close briefly. He would have to repaint at some point, it was peeling and chipping away, with the constant violation the walls got.
"Hm." He did remember shoving her against the wall, with his body, but he couldn't remember if it had been in anger, or lust, or even both..
A chair was on its back on the crinkled carpet, he remembered falling over that, as well. But other than that, the room was sparse, only a sofa and a wash basin in the small room, beside the fridge.
He groaned in pain, closing his eyes against the afternoon light and pressing the cold glass to his head again.
'Let the hang over go soon, please..'
I never introduce a character with their Appearance first, because its just not interesting unless you have a feel for the characteristics inside, if you're not Caught, then it's just tedious to read 'He looked like this, and this, and this' same as 'The room looked like this, and this, and this.'

Cause and Effect
Advantage and Disadvantage:

Alternatively, RP fighting without dice.

In what I?ll call close interaction scenes I use a thing I call ?surprise calculation? or ?advantage percentages.?
The element of surprise can have a massive impact on fights, or romance scenes. The better calculated things are, the more realistic and smooth things run, often with interesting and unexpected outcomes.

A masculine male naturally have more strength than a female, making his advantage higher than hers.
Lilin 50% Eric 60%
However, taking into account the thousands of different varieties of characters, traits and the multitude of combinations created, it might not be as simple as ?he?s stronger than her.?
For instance, if he?s wounded, that puts him equal to her, or, depending how serious his wounds are, he could be at a disadvantage to her.
What if we have a barbarian woman and a thin, peaceful priest?
The more complicated the character and the situation, the more things to take into account and calculate.
However, normally it is straight forward and simple, and when thought about often enough, becomes natural, a way of assessing an RP situation.
(I expect most RPers do it naturally without realising it.)

Action Example:
Eric is sat at a desk. To grab Lilin?s hand to stop her from leaving, as he wants to do, he would have to push out of the chair and reach for her.
He is at a disadvantage. Lilin would spot his intention before he?d even begun to get out of his chair. It would give her time to react, to back away, out of his grasp.
She?s at a high advantage, she could run out the door before he?d even got around the desk.

- In any and every situation, be aware of God Emoting (also known as Power Emoting.)
God emoting is when players describe an action that takes away the ability of another player to respond or prevent it from happening.
Examples of GE:
* Tom cuts Lily?s fingers off.
* Ray stabbed and killed Mo.
* Tom grabbed Lily?s hand and pressed it down onto the table, pulling up his knife to cleave her fingers off.
* Ray attacked Mo, stabbing at him with a knife, trying to kill him.

The difference is large, the outcome has completely and utterly changed. No player likes to be given no choice in the situation.

* Tom grabbed Lily?s hand and pressed it down onto the table, pulling up his knife to cleave her fingers off.
Lily jerked out of Tom?s grip and threw a punch at his face.
Tom?s face burst with pain as Lily?s fist connected, throwing him off balance, his knife clattered to the floor.

However, in my examples, I also gave a way around the elaborate dance of attempting and trying. With fairness, trust and understanding, you don?t have to never ever touch another character without asking. Tom did grab Lily, but that?s alright as long as it?s not changing Lily in some irreparable way.
* Jack took Sara?s jaw by his fingers and kissed her.
Rather than:
* Jack tried to take Sara?s jaw.
Sara didn?t stop him.
Jack kissed her.

The constant asking for permission sometimes gets monotonous and takes the joy out of it. It diffuses the excitement. A little surprise is always exciting! Just be cautious and know the player is okay with it. When you?re friends it doesn?t seem to matter as much, because a good punch in the arm is warning enough, but with strangers it is good to be wary.

Calculation of Advantage:
Back to calculations, to make sure it is clear and understandable.
* Damien rose from his chair as an intruder burst through into his chamber doors, brandishing a sword. He unsheathed his own and readied himself for a fight.
= Equal terms, they can both see each other, there isn?t a great element of surprise, as Damien already had his sword handy. The threat is clear, though maybe the person has a bone to pick and is using the sword as emphasis to show he means no non-sense.
* The stranger hovered at the door, light streaming in from behind, obscuring his face. With intent to kill as a hired assassin, he leapt to attack.
= Dependant on the characteristics of the characters, especially the assassin in motivations, ego and skill, this can influence the balance. There could be a dance of verbal battle before the real battle begins, perhaps to flesh out the storyline, the intent, or maybe it?s just time for business. Kill first ask later.
* Damien parried the attack, the opponents circled, looking for openings. Damien struck with an upward swing.
= The underlined selection shows a safe use of character influencing. It?s not interfering with the player?s assassin character, it is only predicting an action the assassin would probably have made anyway. Since we should know each others characters, it is safe to assume an action like that, just don?t do something out of character! If Damien?s player had made the assassin trip over the carpet, it would be a God Emote.
*The assassin blocked the attack, deflecting it with his sword. With an opening he attacked again, a slice aimed at the chest.
= Another thing to be aware of, when the attack has been attempted it is in the other players hands to decide what happens to his or her own character, especially if the hit lands and how much damage it does. If the other player does something you don?t think is fair, it should be fine to bring it to attention, like miraculously dodging a blow that should land.
With the right calculations, it shouldn?t be unfair. Although, there is always a possibility you?ve not taken something into account, like, perhaps is Damien had ghostly powers and the sword could pass straight through him.

Hope this has been interesting and helpful!
If there are any questions or requests on more information, you know where to find me!

- Saaki.


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UW students want to keep cap on tuition hikes

MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- University of Wisconsin students asked state legislators Monday to renew a tuition cap, fearing that failure to do so would put higher education out of reach of many families.

About 100 students from campuses around the state descended on the Capitol to call for a tuition increase of no more than 3 to 4 percent in the academic year starting this fall. Gov. Scott Walker's proposed budget would end the cap, currently at 5.5 percent, after the current academic year.

Geoff Murray, president of the United Council of UW Students, a student rights advocacy group representing 140,000 UW students at 20 campuses, said ending the cap could lead to a tuition spike that would make it difficult for many students to pay for college. The existing cap went into effect after tuition shot up 15 to 18 percent a decade ago.

Murray, a senior majoring in economics at UW Stevens Point, said tuition increases in the last two years have two-thirds of Wisconsin college students graduating with debt averaging $26,000.

Tuition for undergrads at the flagship campus in Madison rose 7.4 percent this school year compared to a year before, among the highest increases for public universities in the Big Ten, according to the Legislative Fiscal Bureau. (The cap is an overall average; the rise in graduate student tuition was lower.)

Walker's budget would leave it to the Board of Regents to set tuition. The governor's proposal would edge funding for the UW system up $181 million, a figure that UW spokesman David Giroux said sets the stage for a modest tuition increase.

Regents will decide the exact amount by summer.

Walker's plan to drop the cap will likely face opposition in the Legislature.

Rep. Steve Nass, R-Whitewater and chairman of the Assembly's Colleges and Universities Committee, has supported a 5 percent annual cap.


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'State of Austin Music Industry' revealed Monday evening - YNN ...

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Britten ghost story at City Opera

NEW YORK (AP) ? When it comes to operatic ghost stories, none is more creepily effective than Benjamin Britten's "The Turn of the Screw."

The British composer's 1954 adaptation of the Henry James story, setting a libretto by Myfanwy Piper, perfectly captures the suffocating atmosphere as well as the ambiguity of the original. Britten's elegant score, written for chamber orchestra and six soloists, uses 12-tone serialism interspersed with traditional melodic forms that keeps the listener off-balance and instills a growing sense of unease.

On Sunday afternoon, the New York City Opera premiered a new production at the Brooklyn Academy of Music that captured some of these qualities but ultimately failed to do justice to the piece.

Much of the problem lies in the decision by director Sam Buntrock ? best known for the revival of Sondheim's "Sunday in the Park With George" ? to tell the story in the style of 1980s horror movies. Though intelligent updating can shed new light on a work, this effort seems at best beside the point and, at crucial times, downright harmful.

James set his story in a 19th-century English country estate, where a young governess is sent to care for a brother and sister, Miles and Flora, whose only living relative can't be bothered with them. She soon discovers to her horror that their former governess (Miss Jessel) and her lover (Peter Quint) ? both dead ? have returned as ghosts to try to claim the children's souls. Or so she thinks. It's also just possible that the phantoms she thinks she sees are figments of her overactive imagination.

James ? and Britten ? do a masterful job of keeping us guessing, and it's questionable how drawing inspiration from "The Shining," ''The Exorcist" and the like can improve on the original.

Buntrock, using an ingenious cutaway set by David Farley and clever lighting by David Weiner, moves the action to a modern manor house, complete with a television set, Cassio keyboard and a "Star Wars" poster. Whenever Quint appears, the TV screen ? a la "Poltergeist" ? develops static. This gimmick gets old, especially in the final scene when Quint and the Governess are waging a tug of war for the soul of Miles. To have the TV start acting up in the midst of their battle is a silly distraction.

Wrongheaded, as well, is Buntrock's decision to follow Miles' death with the appearance of his ghost. He seems to be saying that although the grown-up spirits have been vanquished, the child will now haunt the place ? an extraneous notion not at all in the spirit of the original.

There's much better news on the musical end of things. All six singers do terrific work, starting with soprano Sara Jakubiak, who brings pure, powerful tone and fierce commitment to the Governess' difficult music. Tenor Dominic Armstrong, doubling as the Narrator and Quint, uses his smooth sound to convey sinister charm and menace. Boy soprano Benjamin P. Wenzelberg makes a sweet though small-voiced Miles, and adult soprano Lauren Worsham sings strongly as Flora and acts the part of a little girl as believably as possible. Excellent as well are contralto Sharmay Musacchio as the housekeeper, Mrs. Grose, and soprano Jennifer Goode Cooper as the visibly pregnant ghost of Miss Jessel. Jayce Ogren conducts the 14-piece ensemble with fluid pacing and fine attention to detail.

There are three more performances through March 2. City Opera, which opened its season at BAM with Thomas Ades' "Powder Her Face," then moves to the City Center in April for two more productions: Rossini's "Moses in Egypt" and Offenbach's "La Perichole."


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CSN: Sandoval lost weight to avoid benching

MESA, Ariz. ? Pablo Sandoval?s bat looked crisp as he collected three hits in his first four exhibition at-bats. But those weren?t the numbers that Giants manager Bruce Bochy wanted to see in the first weekend of games here.

Late last week, Bochy told Sandoval he would bench him if the Panda didn?t tip the scales at a certain weight by Saturday?s Cactus League opener.

?To his credit, he did,? Bochy said. ?Although to be honest, I?m not sure how.?

Maybe Sandoval locked himself in a sauna and cranked up the coals. However he did it, it came as a surprise to Bochy, who originally did not list Sandoval among his scheduled regulars on Saturday.

Instead, Sandoval is the only position player to start both of the Giants? exhibition games in the field.

?I talked to him (on Saturday) and he wants to play,? Bochy said. ?He comes in and does his early work. To play five innings, it helps with his conditioning.?

Sandoval just got done playing in the Venezuelan league playoffs three weeks ago, so he?s in better ?baseball shape? than most of his teammates. He also wants to make sure he?s ready when he leaves for the World Baseball Classic next week.

Although Bochy wouldn?t divulge any specific numbers, it?s believed that Sandoval is heavier than at any time since the end of the 2010 season, when his weight problem contributed to losing his job in the postseason. It was a wakeup call that compelled him to reshape his body that winter.

Sandoval might not be in the same condition he was when he reported in 2011, but Bochy didn?t describe him as if he?s in need of another wakeup call.

?He?s doing what I asked,? Bochy said.


Even though Matt Cain threw a lot of pitches in the first inning, Bochy said he would have sent his opening-day starter back out there if not for the line drive off the side of his right knee.

[BAGGARLY: Cain gets a scare with line drive off knee]

?We were a little concerned the knee might start swelling,? Bochy said. ?We?re being a little cautious with him. It?s a long spring.?


Everyone knows what kind of an arm Nate Schierholtz has in right field. Well, outfield prospect Francisco Peguero?s arm is even better, by reputation.

Peguero showed off that arm during infield drills. And like any quick-draw artist, he showed he?s not afraid of the next gun.

When Peguero hit a looping drive down the right field line in Sunday?s 4-3 loss to the Cubs, he didn?t hesitate while rounding first base. Peguero was able to hustle a double out of it.

Not even Schierholtz, the right fielder, could throw him out.


A cold wind chapped everyone?s skin all day, and it was no coincidence that the Giants and Cubs both decided to conduct pop-up drills for the first time this spring. The wind is known to blow at AT&T Park and Wrigley Field, after all.

When the game began, outfield prospect Gary Brown made two especially impressive catches. He stayed with the gusting wind and covered a lot of ground while making one catch in right-center. Then he sprinted straight back and didn?t get turned around while hauling in another deep drive.

?He?s a gifted outfielder with good speed and he gets good reads on the ball,? Bochy said. ?It?s impressive. He?s a young guy who doesn?t know this outfield, the wind and the sun here, and he made all the plays.?

Actually, Brown played at HoHoKam Park plenty of times in the Arizona Fall League and he knew ?that Mesa is the absolute worst with the wind and sun breaking through the clouds.?

Told of Bochy?s comment, Brown?s eyes got wide.

?Maybe it?d be better if you forget what I just told you,? he said, smiling.


Angel Villalona got his first start in a Giants uniform and collected his first hit, a single to left field off Kyuji Fujikawa. Villalona likely will be among the first rounds of cuts, and while you have to wonder whether the Giants are giving him a serious look, he?s still just 22 years old. He?s a prospect.


Bob Brenly?s kid, Michael, is in Cubs camp and played in Sunday?s game. He?s got some size on the old man.


Dan Runzler continues to look very good. I also like what I see from Kensuke Tanaka thus far, but I think it?ll be hard for him to make the team over Wilson Valdez or Tony Abreu if he can?t play shortstop.


The ol? Twitter stream filled up with NASCAR references as the Daytona 500 reached its conclusion, and as I watched the Giants and Cubs, a thought occurred to me: The goal of NASCAR and baseball is the same ? make as many left turns as you can, as quickly as possible.

The talented Billy Byler, beat reporter who covers the Giants? A-ball affiliate in Augusta, added one more thought: ?And draft to your advantage.?


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Monday, February 25, 2013

36-Month Car Loan Rate Deal of the Day: Peoples Credit Union at 1.99% APR

Peoples Credit Union FLEveryone needs to drive home savings when buying a car. In Miami, FL, the?Peoples Credit Union?helps members tap into low interest on their loans before they settle for inflated rates through the dealer or other financial institutions. A 36-month auto loan through Peoples Credit Union keeps?car loan rates?low with a 1.99% APR.

Auto Loan Terms and Conditions

New cars, trucks and vans qualify for Peoples Credit Union?s 1.99% annual percentage rate ? and with fixed car loan rates, the amount members will pay for their monthly finance bill remains the same for the life of the loan. This 36-month loan offer (for autos valued at $25,000 and over) is perfect for consumers either buying a new vehicle, or looking to refinance an existing loan.

Loan pre-approval is also available for members with outstanding credit, and there are no early payoff penalties. And with the credit union?s Gold KeyAuto Draft, loan payments are deducted automatically from an account of one?s choice, offering convenience.

With numerous banking products to meet the needs of any member, membership at Peoples Credit Union is extended to people who live or work in Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Martin, Okeechobee, Osceola and Orange counties in Florida. All that?s needed is a one-time, $5 membership fee to join.

Other Terms and Conditions may apply. Additionally, interest rates are based on the institution?s online published rates and may have changed since this offer was posted. Please contact the financial institution for the most recent rate updates and to review the terms of the offer.


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Fujitsu Stylistic S01 hands-on: a smartphone even grandma can use

Fujitsu Stylistic S01 handson a smartphone even grandma can use

Not every smartphone needs to have piles of RAM an inhumanly fast quad-core CPU and a comically large 1080p display. For some niches of the market those things are not only unnecessary, but potentially a huge negative. Fujitsu's Stylistic S01 is one of those phones that eschews high-end specs for practical features aimed at a particular segment of the market -- namely, your grandparents. The four-inch WVGA display and dual-core 1.4GHz Snapdragon would have been par for the course a year or two ago, now they're getting a bit dated. But that's ok, they're serve up the heavily skinned Ice Cream Sandwich here just fine.

The UI has large buttons and simplified widgets that are carefully crafted to be easy to manipulate for those with less dexterity in their digits. And, unlike most phones, a glancing touch wont be enough to accidentally launch the camera or maps. While an initial touch wil temporarily select an option, you'll have to actually press just a bit harder than you're accustomed to in order to confirm your selection. In addition to minimizing accidental app launches, it also gets a little bit closer to recreating the tactile sensation of dialing on a physical numeric pad.

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Looks like Pluto will have a moon named 'Vulcan'

The votes are in for the SETI Institute's Pluto Rocks Poll, and, thanks in part to William Shatner, Mr. Spock's home planet is a clear winner.?

By Jason Major,?Universe Today / February 25, 2013

This photo provided and annotated by NASA/Hubble Space Telescope shows the five moons in their orbits around Pluto. The smallest moons ? no more than 20 miles (32 kilometers) across ? were discovered in that past two years and are currently referred to as P4 and P5.

NASA/Hubble Space Telescope/AP


The votes have been tallied and the results are in from the SETI Institute?s?Pluto Rocks Poll: ?Vulcan? and ?Cerberus? have come out on top for names for Pluto?s most recently-discovered moons, P4 and P5.

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After 450,324 votes cast over the past two weeks, Vulcan is the clear winner with a landslide 174,062 votes? due in no small part to a little?Twitter intervention by Mr. William Shatner,?I?m sure.

In other words??yes,?the Trekkies have won.

During a Google+ Hangout today,?SETI Institute?senior scientist Mark Showalter ? who discovered the moons and opened up the poll ? talked with SETI astronomer Franck Marchis and MSNBC?s Alan Boyle about the voting results. Showalter admitted that he wasn?t quite sure how well the whole internet poll thing would work out, but he?s pleased with the results.

?I had no idea what to expect,? said Showalter. ?As we all know the internet can be an unruly place? but by and large this process has gone very smoothly. I feel the results are fair.?

As far as having a name from the Star Trek universe be used for an actual astronomical object?

?Vulcan works,? Showalter said. ?He?s got a family tie to the whole story. Pluto and Zeus were brothers, and Vulcan is a son of Pluto.?

And what can you say when even?Mr. Spock agrees?

The other winning name, Cerberus, is currently used for an asteroid. So because the IAU typically tries to avoid confusion with two objects sharing the same exact name, Showalter said he will use the Greek version of the spelling: Kerberos.

The next step will be to submit these names to the International Astronomical Union for official approval, a process that could take 1?2 months.

(Although who knows? maybe Bill can help move that process along as well?)

Read more about the names on the Pluto Rocks ballot?here.

Jason Major is a graphic artist from?Rhode Island?now living and working in?Dallas, Texas. He writes about astronomy and space exploration on his blog?Lights In The Dark, on Universe Today and also on?Discovery?News.

This story originally appeared in?Universe Today.

Want to stay on top of all the space news? Follow?@universetoday?on?Twitter


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It's official: Samsung's got a new 8-inch Note tablet

The rumors you might've heard are true: Samsung's got a new 8-inch tablet, appropriately named the Galaxy Note 8.0, on the way.

The new tablet will sit between the 5.5-inch Galaxy Note 2 smartphone and the 10.1-inch Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet. It competes with Apple's 7.9-inch iPad Mini and Google's 7-inch Nexus 7.

Like the other devices in Samsung's Galaxy Note line, the Galaxy Note 8.0 will include the S Pen, which Samsung emphasizes is not merely a stylus. You can use the pressure-sensitive digital pen ? which is powered by technology created by Wacom, the company behind professional-grade digital drawing tablets ? to add notes, manipulate content on the screen, and even preview videos and emails by simply hovering it close to the Galaxy Note 8.0's screen.

The Galaxy Note 8.0 will run Android 4.1.2 (better known as Jellybean). Under the hood, it has a 1.6GHz quad-core processor, a 5 megapixel camera in the back, a 1.3 megapixel camera in the front, 2GB of RAM, and a microSD slot. The tablet's 8-inch display offers 1280x800 pixels, which breaks down to 189 pixels per inch (ppi). (In comparison, the iPad Mini and Nexus 7 have 163 ppi and 216 ppi displays, respectively.)

Those who were intrigued by the Galaxy Note 10.1's multi-app split-screen feature will likely jump for joy when they hear that it is included on the Galaxy Note 8.0 and that it now supports nearly any app ? not just Samsung's included suite of tools. (This means that you can take notes while watching a video, type out emails while editing a spreadsheet on the side, scribble over a photo while checking out instructions in a document, and so on.)

The Galaxy Note 8.0 will come in 16GB and 32GB versions. No word yet on pricing details, but since we should see the tablet hit shelves in the second quarter of this year, it won't be too long before we find out how much Samsung wants for its latest gadget.

Want more tech news or interesting links? You'll get plenty of both if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on Twitter, subscribing to her Facebook posts, or circling her on Google+.


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Southeast Asian margin squeeze snags Singapore Inc

(Reuters) - The most widespread margin squeeze in at least a decade is pushing some Singapore companies out of the city state as rising costs and slow growth sap profitability.

A Reuters study of 268 listed Singapore companies showed that 57 percent reported a year-on-year drop in operating profit margin for the first three quarters of 2012. That was the biggest percentage for the nine-month period on record, according to Thomson Reuters data going back to 2002. Full-year data for 2012 was not yet available.

A severe labor shortage is hobbling businesses in Singapore as the government tightens its immigration policies, while growth has been hard to come by as exports languish in a dull global economy.

Across Southeast Asia, 54 percent of companies reported shrinking margins, equaling the percentage recorded in 2009, when the global economy had tipped into a recession following the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy.

In all, Reuters examined the balance sheets of nearly 1,000 companies in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines with a market value of at least S$100 million ($80.8 million).

The pain is particularly acute in Singapore, a smaller and more mature market lacking the burgeoning consumer classes of its emerging market neighbors. Inflation has heated up, with the consumer price index, due on Monday, expected to show a 4.0 percent rise in January, according to a Reuters poll.

The head of a Singapore business association is among those moving their corporate headquarters elsewhere, in search of lower costs and a larger market.

Chan Chong Beng, head of the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises in Singapore and chairman of Goodrich Global, a carpet and wallcoverings company with a presence in eight countries, said he planned to move his firm's headquarters and operations such as product development to Wujiang, China, near Shanghai. Sales and marketing will stay in Singapore, he said.

"Businesses today face a very awkward situation," Chan said. "The worst is we can't find the workers."

"Potentially there's a lot of room to grow in China. Over here, no matter how much I can push, there's a limit to my growth," he added.


Singapore, a major financial and trading centre known for its business-friendly policies, faces a tightening labor market as authorities curb the influx of foreign workers, spurred by public grumbling about overcrowding and soaring property prices.

A survey conducted late last year by the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore found 15 percent of respondents - U.S. businesses which are members of the chamber - were considering moving operations away, while 5 percent had already done so.

Andrew Tjioe, president of the Restaurant Association of Singapore which has more than 300 members, said the pressure from rising costs and a shortage of labor was unprecedented.

"I have gone through so many rounds of recessions - the 1997 recession, SARS and then 2008," said Tjioe, who has been in the food and beverage industry for three decades. "I can feel the pressure right now. I believe this has got to be the worst."

At Chan's Goodrich Global, sales growth in Singapore has been slow in the past two or three years while rents have shot up around 30 percent and labor costs have risen as much as 20 percent.

Small and medium-sized businesses like Chan's have been among the hardest hit. These companies collectively contribute more than half of Singapore's gross domestic product and employ seven out of every 10 workers.

Last month, the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore and eight other business organizations sent a joint letter to the city state's government highlighting concerns about tighter limits on foreign workers.

"While Singapore continues to attract significant foreign investment we nevertheless fear current implementation of revised labor policy risks negatively impacting Singapore's economy and reputation as an open economy," the letter said.

Singapore's Economic Development Board has acknowledged the impact of tighter immigration measures on industry and has taken steps including helping companies to boost productivity, the board's managing director Yeoh Keat Chuan said.

Some companies will be reluctant to move completely out of Singapore, which offers a strong record in safety, regulation and transparency, although their expansion efforts will likely focus on neighboring countries with faster growth.

That expansion can help them to weather some of the pressures at home.

Electronics and furniture retailer Courts Asia Ltd , which has 72 stores in Singapore and Malaysia, is setting up a 140,000 square-foot (13,000 square-meter) megastore in eastern Jakarta, which will be the group's largest when it opens in 2014.

"We don't want to discount Singapore in terms of growth potential," said Courts Asia Chief Executive Terry O'Connor. "But of course Indonesia and Malaysia have more greenfield territories, there are more options. We go to Indonesia, we can be 'big box' from day one."

Singapore bakery and restaurant chain BreadTalk Group Ltd , which aims to boost revenue to S$1 billion in the next few years, is expanding regionally - particularly in China and Thailand - to balance out cost pressures at home.

"In Singapore's retail environment, rising costs are largely attributed to rent and labor," said BreadTalk Chief Financial Officer Lawrence Yeo. "In response, we've had to fine tune our business model."

($1 = 1.2382 Singapore dollars)

(Reporting by Eveline Danubrata in Singapore and Tripti Kalro in Bangalore; Additional reporting by Anshuman Daga; Editing by Emily Kaiser and Edmund Klamann)


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Samsung Galaxy S4 Will Not Come with Exynos CPU, Nor Super AMOLED Display, Release Date Yet Unconfirmed

While the Samsung Galaxy S4 release date is getting closer, more leaked details about the next-gen flagship smartphone of the South Korea-based company are starting to hit the web.

After Eldar Murtazin, the faimous Russian blogger,?said that the Samsung Galaxy S4 release date was set for March 14th?during an event held in New York, the guys at Sammmobile?come with fresh details about the technical specifications of the Android-powered smartphone. It was just yesterday when we?ve told you that Galaxy S4 might not come with the Exynos 5 Octa SoC, as Samsung?s proprietary chipset has overheating issues, and today one of the biggest source for Samsung leaks are confirming the info.

According to a Samsung ?insider? quoted by the?aforementioned?tech publication the Samsung Galaxy S4 will be based on a Snapdragon 600 processor, similar to the one fitted inside the recently announced HTC One. The same report claims that the processor underpinning the Samsung flagship says that the Snapdragon 600 processor is overclocked at 1.9 GHz, compared to HTC One?s 1.7 GHz clock rate. The source also informs that Samsung Galaxy S4 will come with 2 GB of RAM and that it will be available in three variants with 16, 32, or 64 GB of internal storage.

The latest smartphone launches have indicated that the 1080p 5-inch displays are becoming the 2013 standard for the high-end Android segment. Samsung Galaxy S4 will reportedly boast a 4.99-inch screen with full HD resolution, but what?s even more interesting is that the South Korea-based company will ditch the Super AMOLED panels.

Sammobile?s trusted source says that the flagship smartphone will come with a SoLux Display, but didn?t reveal more details about it. Is it based on LCD3 technology like HTC One?s display? We don?t know yet, but if it is to believe Murtazin?s report, we will find out in less than a month.

The dimensions of the Samsung Galaxy S4 also leaked?alongside?with other details and it seems that the terminal will be 140.1 mm tall, 71.8 mm wide and 7.7 mm thin, thinner than it?s biggest rival, Apple?s iPhone 5. As it was previously reported the Galaxy S4 will keep the same two-capacitive-one-physical button combo below the 4.99-inch display.

A low-quality photo of the Galaxy S4 also leaked revealing a smartphone that is not following the design language introduced last year by the SGS3, but a square-ish device reminiscent of the Galaxy S2. We?d recommend you to take the rumor with a grain of salt, as the South Korea-based company is usually using some rubber cases on their prototypes, in order to make sure that the real design of their smartphone isn?t revealed ahead of the official announcement.

The Samsung insider quoted by Sammobile claims that the Galaxy S4?s back is made of plastic, but the smartphone?s sides are made of aluminium.

We know almost everything about the Galaxy S4 so far, and it was yesterday when some photo samples posted on Google Plus confirmed that the SGS4 will come with a 13 megapixel camera. We?ve exclusively told you about the Photo Sphere-like Samsung Orb camera feature of the Galaxy S4 a couple of days ago, and hopefully the company?s software?engineers?will get ready just in time to fit it inside the next-gen flagship, so the camera aspects of the new-comer will sure be impressive.

Are you excited by the Snapdragon 600 -?SoLux display team, or would you rather the Galaxy S4 coming with an Exynos chipset and Super AMOLED display? Please let us know in the comments section below.


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2013 NFL Combine: Ryan Swope Sees Reunion with Tannehill as "Pretty Cool"


2013 NFL Combine: Ryan Swope Sees Reunion with Tannehill as "Pretty Cool" [Open in Separate Window] ?

With the NFL Scouting Combine underway, news, rumors, and speculation will continually flow out of Indianapolis as results filter in, scouts or general managers talk with certain players, or soon-to-be free agents' representatives f... [?Read Full Article...?] [Open in Separate Window]

Posted at: The Phinsider [Open in Separate Window]



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Saturday, February 23, 2013

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Growing Public Unrest Leads China To Admit To 'Cancer Villages'

Then again, other than freaks like Thoreau, most Americans weren't out hugging trees at the beginning of our Industrial Revolution either.

Bingo. This idea that "asian culture" is so different from "western culture" is just intellectually lazy. Sure there are differences, but fundamentally people are people, they all want the same stuff - food, air, water, sex, sleep, security, health, family, respect, creativity, etc.

The sort of reforms we saw that came in on the western industrial revolution aren't culturally specific, they are human-specific. The implementations will surely vary along with the timelines, but the end result will be the same because if it does not get to a similar point of satisifying universal human needs, it will collapse because the humans won't tolerate it indefinitely.


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Former EWU football player sentenced for assault


Posted on February 21, 2013 at 3:36 PM

Updated yesterday at 3:38 PM

CHENEY, Wash.--- The Eastern Washington University football player accused of rape plead guilty Wednesday to second degree assault.?

Dalis Burce ws sentenced to 9 months and will have a restitution hearing on September 1.

EWU announced back in August that Bruce was suspended from the athletic program pending investigation into a sexual assault arrest. Bruce faces charges of second degree rape and residential burglary.

Court documents say the incident took place in Pearce Hall, right behind Roos Field.

Saturday night, the 17-year-old victim and three friends drank a large bottle of vodka according to court documents. The victim became intoxicated, and witnesses said she started vomiting, collapsed and passed out.

Friends put her in bed according to witnesses. Bruce allegedly entered the victim's room, found her unconscious, removed her clothes from waist down, and had sex with her.
The victim?s friends claimed she was unconscious until after the assault took place.

Witnesses say they interrupted Bruce having sex with the unconscious girl, and told him to leave.

Officers found the victim on the bed and unresponsive. Officers shook her several times to get a response. Officers gave the victim a preliminary breath test around 7 a.m. and she registered at .080.

The victim gave police the suspect name of "Dalis" and said she did not remember what happened.

Bruce said he met the victim through friends earlier that day. Bruce originally denied seeing her asleep in her room but later admitted he found her asleep sometime after midnight. Bruce stated that he assumed she was drunk because she was asleep and admitted to fondling the victim, but claimed he did so with her assistance. Bruce also admitted to having sex with the victim and claimed they did not talk to each other the entire time.

Bruce posted $25,000 bail and was released.

Eastern officials said in a press release they will follow the standard practices for student discipline, conducting a thorough review.?

University officials said they respond to reports of criminal incidents with student disciplinary interventions to ensure campus safety as well as the rights of the accused.

The administration is receiving regular updates about the developments in this case. The campus cannot divulge individual information about Bruce.


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Jakarta Flood Losses Manageable for Non-Life Insurers: Fitch Ratings

Jakarta Flood Losses Manageable for Non-Life Insurers: Fitch Ratings
Muhamad Al Azhari | February 21, 2013

The insured losses from the recent flooding in Jakarta will not trigger excessive financial strain on the balance sheet of Indonesian non-life insurers, international rating agency Fitch Ratings said.

The rating agency cited data from Swiss Re Signa, a global wholesale provider of reinsurance, insurance and other insurance-based forms, that showed Indonesia has a low insurance penetration rate of less than 2 percent of its gross domestic product.

The industry will also get protection from reinsurance coverage.

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) reported the floods in Jakarta, which affected a total of 41 square kilometers (around 8 percent of Jakarta?s total area) claimed 41 lives.

It struck a total of 74 urban wards in 31 subdistricts in five municipalities in the capital city, inundating more than 100,000 houses and some of its major roadways.

Indonesian government officials estimated economic losses from damaged property, production losses and other factors could reach Rp 32 trillion ($3.3 billion).

?Fitch?s initial assessment is that the insured losses will be markedly lower than the economic losses, although the extent of the impact will vary from one company to another,? the rating agency said.

?Insured losses are expected to top Rp 3 trillion based on industry estimates. It will take time for international catastrophe modeling firms and local loss adjusters to finalize the insured loss amount,? it said.

This insured losses estimate, is however, greater than the flood losses from the 2002 and 2007, Fitch said, as the areas affected are bigger and more concentrated toward inner Jakarta, whereby insurance coverage is higher than in rural areas.

The collapse of a 30-meter-long section of the city?s West Flood Canal dike on Jalan Latuharhary in Menteng made the 2013 floods particularly devastating. Areas such as the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle and adjoining Jalan MH Thamrin and Jalan Sudirman were completely inundated.

Fitch cited General Insurance Association, which quoted flood-related claims in 2002 and 2007 that amounted to Rp 1.5 trillion and Rp 2.1 trillion, respectively.

Fitch noted that the majority of the losses in the 2013 floods are likely to have come from the car and mortgage insurance lines.

?However, since flood risks are not automatically included in many of the motor and property insurance policies in Indonesia, a sizeable proportion of those affected might remain uncovered by insurance protection,? Fitch said.

On the other hand, Indonesian non-life insurers also benefit from their reinsurance protection.

?Based on industry estimates, more than 40 percent of the non-life [insurance] industry?s total gross premiums in 2011 were being ceded, with around 6 percent of these premiums to Indonesian reinsurers,? Fitch said.

?This suggests that a substantial proportion of the industry?s premiums are being ceded to foreign reinsurers. In Fitch?s view the low capital base of domestic reinsurers encourages reliance on overseas retrocessions,? the rating agency added.


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Friday, February 22, 2013

Justin Bieber Writing Songs About Selena Gomez Split? ? Up All ...

Justin Bieber Writing Songs

Justin and Selena?s break-up was so sad! How will the Biebs ever move past it? In true artistic style perhaps! He recently reported writing some new material. Will his next hit single be about their breakup?

Justin Bieber has a lot on his plate recently. Poor guy! Though he?s in the thick of his Believe?tour, he is clearly still hurting over his break with Selena Gomez. The pair had it all, or so it seemed! Now, left with a broken heart and sexy voice, all the Biebs has left to do is pour his heart out in his music. Has he been writing about his lost love?

Justin Bieber Moving On From Selena Gomez

The Biebs is trying almost anything to get over the former?Wizards of Waverly Place?star. Currently in Europe for his Believe?tour, Justin?was seen out in London partying?on Feb. 19?with The Wanted and Could he be dancing his pain away? The boys were?apparently?out until 3:30am! Sounds like they had a wild night!

After his night out with the guys, Justin had another big night out, this time with a new girl! He was seen arriving at Justin Timberlake?s BRIT Awards after-party concert on Feb. 20?with a hot brunette!?And no, we?re not talking about Selena!

Justin?s New Songs

Though he?s trying his best, running around Europe and dating new girls may not be the best way for Justin to get over the pop cutie. On Feb. 21, the singer tweeted, ?up all last night writing. very very tired.? It?s very possible that the Biebs was up all night writing about his split with Selena. Who doesn?t love a classic Bieber love song? We?re curious to see how much he reveals about their relationship in his upcoming tracks!

Do you think Justin is writing songs about his breakup with Selena, HollywoodLifers?

WATCH: Justin Bieber ? ?As Long As You Love Me? ft. Big Sean

Subscribe to me on YouTube

??Tiffany Gagnon

More Justin Bieber News:

  1. Justin Bieber Reveals New Song ?You Want Me? ? About Selena Gomez?
  2. Justin Bieber ?Writing His Heart Out? After Selena Gomez Split
  3. Justin Bieber Reveals Another Love Song He Wrote For Selena Gomez


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Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering - University of Alabama

When you apply for this position, please say you saw this job on Green Dream Jobs!!

Founded in 1831 as Alabama's first public college, The University of Alabama is dedicated to excellence in teaching, research and service. We provide a creative, nurturing campus environment where our students can become the best individuals possible, can learn from the best and brightest faculty, and can make a positive difference in the community, the state and the world.

The University of Alabama family has always expected great things. After all, we are our state's flagship university - the Capstone of higher education.

The College of Engineering is experiencing unparalleled growth and prosperity, and is in the process of constructing several new engineering buildings. The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering is a leading contributor to this success with unprecedented growth in its undergraduate, graduate, and research programs.

The Department offers an ABET-accredited BS degree, an MS degree, and the PhD degree in Chemical Engineering. With a current enrollment of over 600 undergraduate and graduate students, it is one of the largest Departments in the College of Engineering. Additional information on the Department and be found at our?website.

Position Overview:

The University of Alabama Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering invites applications for two new faculty positions in the emphasis area of environmental and water resources engineering. These positions are part of a focused investment by the College of Engineering in the broad area of environmental research.?


We are seeking candidates who will:?

  • Partner with other environmental faculty.
  • Develop nationally competitive research programs that will complement the current environmental research in the department and the EI.
  • Build bridges with interdisciplinary colleagues in UA's biological sciences, chemistry, and other engineering departments.
  • Have a balanced perspective on research and instruction.
  • Teach at both graduate and undergraduate levels.
  • Hold a doctoral degree in chemical engineering or a closely related field. ??


  • Applicants must hold a doctoral degree in chemical engineering or a closely related field.?

Additional Information:?

Successful candidates will have the opportunity to participate in the?University's Environmental Institute?(EI). The EI's primary mission is to be a national leader in research on environmental issues related to water, air, and land resources, and involves a dynamic and collegial group of faculty from multiple departments across the University, including Chemical and Biological Engineering, Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Geology, and Biology.

To Apply:

Please click below: "Apply Now Online!"?to submit your resume, statement of research and teaching interests, and a list of at least 3 references.?

When you apply for this position, please say you saw this job on Green Dream Jobs!!


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