Saturday, August 3, 2013

CORGI Registered for Gas Safety - Energy - News and Society

Joined: Apr 25, 2013

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September 16th through the 22nd, 2013, is officially designated as Gas Safety Week in the UK. Will you be ready to celebrate with a clear conscience that your home is certain to be gas-safe and gas-smart? Requesting a visit from an engineer who is CORGI registered for gas safety is the surest way to affirm you?ll be ready to confidently welcome Gas Safety Week!

Use Authorized Technicians

The first and foremost assurance that your home is gas safe is to use only a Gas Safe engineer for your gas service, maintenance and repair needs. Check your Gas Safe representative?s identification card to confirm the tech is duly qualified (don?t be shy; credentialed engineers don?t mind!).

Note that, as of 2009, the Health and Safety Executive replaced CORGI (the Council of Registered Gas Installers) with Gas Safe Register, now the UK?s official gas registration body. Only technicians registered with Gas Safe are legally permitted to install, maintain or service your gas equipment. This in no way is intended to imply that CORGI technicians are any less qualified; however, it is important that residents understand that, legally speaking, the only service personnel authorized to work on your home gas services are those engineers who are members of the Gas Safe Register. The term CORGI is still popularly used in a colloquial manner, but is not strictly accurate.

Safe Is as Safe Does

Some things you can do to keep on top of gas safety is to have your gas appliances professionally inspected every year. In the intervening months, to prevent safety hazards, be sure to keep plenty of ventilation available behind and around large gas appliances, such as stoves and water heaters. Don?t store any items near a gas appliance that could hinder the free airflow around the device.

Clean out your clothes dryer?s lint cage after every drying cycle, and have your dryer?s vent to the outdoors checked and thoroughly cleaned every couple of years. However, there are some instances when you might want to have your duct checked and cleaned out more often. For example, the longer your vent duct is, the more likely it has build-up inside. Other factors that speed the interior collection of lint and other flammable debris include the number of twists and turns in your duct, and whether your dryer blows air out forcefully or gently.
The more softly the dryer blows, the more material will be able to collect in the dryer?s vent path.

If you?re lucky enough to have a very short vent leading to the outside, and it?s easily accessible from outside, you might even be able to clear the path yourself by reaching in with your arm and simply pulling out the fluff. Just be careful not to damage the flexible duct leading to your dryer, as any holes in the duct will significantly reduce your dryer?s ability to vent properly to the outdoors. If your duct is long or convoluted, you will definitely benefit from hiring professional services to take care of the matter.

Oddly enough, one of the most common problems hindering the free flow of air out of a dryer vent is the tendency of birds to build nests at the mouth of the exterior vent door! To discourage this practice, exterior vent doors can be fitted with cage-like frames or louvered appliances that block birds? ability to make your vent path their home tweet home.

As long as you?re checking your dryer vent, go ahead and check your home?s heating ventilation, as well. Lots of dust can build up inside those heating ducts over the warmer months. When the first chilly day arrives and you snap on the heat, all that fluff gets heated up. If you?re lucky, you?ll only get treated to a dusty off-smell permeating your home, but if you?re not so lucky, you may be fanning the beginnings of a fire. So, before the frost starts nipping at your nose, have a Gas Safe registered engineer give your heating ducts a thorough assessment.

Gas Safety Begins Now

Don?t wait until Gas Safety Week officially begins. Watch these videos on gas safety to get an overview of gas safety register and to learn how to watch for the symptoms of possible CO2 poisoning.
And, if it?s been awhile since you?ve had your gas services inspected, contact a CORGI registered Gas Safety engineer today to make an appointment with safety.

About author: Laura Ginn

?Laura Ginn knows that before you let anyone tinker with your gas appliances you should make sure that they are CORGI registered. If you need energy saving tips, uSwitch has lots of advice and suggestions as to how you can save energy and cut your fuel bills

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