Friday, August 31, 2012

circumspect dunghill: Practices for a Healthy Mind: 3 Disability ...

When we hear the terms health and fitness, most of us immediately think about flattening stomachs and running for miles. While this is certainly one aspect of good health and fitness, it is not the entire picture. Physical health and mental health go hand in hand in a lot of ways, but many people underestimate the importance of mental health exercises. Sometimes the best medicine for a busy, anxious, and stressed mind is a break. Vacations can be some of the best health practices we can try out?just as important as healthy meals and exercise. Mental health can especially be a worry for individuals unable to exercise the way they would like. Disabilities can plague a healthy mind and make vacationing more of a stress than a relief.
There are many challenges faced by individuals and families living with a disability. Even everyday things like getting around the house or planning your next family vacation can become a struggle. While things can become more challenging when faced with a disability, a comfortable and ?normal? life is entirely possible. Families living with a disabled loved one have to realize that anything is possible with only a little extra forethought.

My mother became restricted to a wheelchair when I was still very young. As a child, I remember family vacations becoming a stressor as we adjusted to living as a family with a handicapable mother. Soon we, as a family and unit, learned new ways to travel, new destinations to explore, and new ways to get around. Looking back now, working as a family to find vacations we could all take and participate in fully brought us closer together and made each of us healthier in mind and body. Here are three classic family vacations made entirely handicap accessible?and fun!

The Beach
Going to the beach with a disabled family member is likely one of the last summer destinations that comes to mind. When we think beach vacation, we picture choppy waves, sand in every crevice, and long hours in the sun?not necessarily the most handicap-inviting setting. However, today there are many beaches that have made their crystal waters and sandy lounging accessible to all. Hanauma Bay in Honolulu offers beach wheelchairs free of charge to any visitors that need them. The wheelchairs are available year round and offer access directly into the water. The Bay is also designed to be extremely wheelchair and mobility challenged friendly with various ramps and facilities. The tram to and from the beach can also accommodate wheelchairs. While Hanauma Bay is a prime example of a handicap accessible beach, there are numerous others around the world as well.

The Theme Park
Morgan?s Wonderland in San Antonio, Texas boasts the title of the world?s first Ultra Accessible Family Fun Park?. Every ride and activity in the park is 100 percent handicap accessible. There are over 30 different traditional, adaptive, and wheelchair swings at the park along with several other rides and activities. Nothing says summertime and summer vacation better than going to a theme park, riding an amusement ride, and eating carnival food. At times, the thought of manning a wheelchair in a busy and crowded theme park can seem stressful and overwhelming. But, many theme parks offer excellent accommodations for disabled patrons.

The Campout
As a kid, my absolute favorite family summer vacation was camping out and spending time with nature. As a family, we would pack up our minivan every year and head out to the nearest national park. Camping and heading out into the wilderness is another activity many people don?t traditionally think of doing with a disabled family member. While it does take a little more planning and forethought, camping out can be a great summer trip for any family, including those with disabled members. Rocky Mountain National Park is a wonderful summer destination full of mountains, rivers, lakes, wildlife, and so much more. Moreover, the park offers several different ways for disabled visitors to see everything nature has to offer. Check this site for the trail and camping accessibility for disabled visitors. The park offers tons of fully accessible trails, camping spots, lookouts, bathrooms, and much more.

Having her fair share of construction management jobs, Kristie Lewis considers herself an expert on the subject and regularly writes about it on She is particularly interested in how construction knowledge can help those with disabilities and the ?green? movement. Send your questions and feedback to Kristie at


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Scientists sequence the genome of Neandertal relatives, the Denisovans

Scientists sequence the genome of Neandertal relatives, the Denisovans [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 30-Aug-2012
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Contact: Natasha D. Pinol
American Association for the Advancement of Science

A new report describes the complete sequence of the Denisovan genome, shedding light on the relationships between these archaic humans, who were closely related to Neandertals, and modern humans.

The results will be published online by the journal Science, in the 30 August 2012 edition of ScienceExpress. Science is the flagship journal of AAAS, the nonprofit science society.

Fossil evidence of the Denisovans is scanty; the existence of this group only came to light in 2010 when DNA from a piece of a finger bone and two molars that were excavated at Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains of southern Siberia was studied.

Because they had only a tiny sample of material from the finger bone, Svante Pbo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany and his research team developed a treatment that unzipped the DNA so that each of its two strands can be used to generate molecules for sequencing. This method allowed the team to generate an extremely thorough genome sequence (30X), similar in quality to what researchers can obtain for the modern human genome.

The researchers compared the Denisovan genome with those of several modern humans from around the world. The Denisovans share more genes with populations from the islands of southeastern Asia, including Melanesia and Australian Aborigines, than with populations elsewhere in Asia. Analysis of the Denisovan genome further illuminates the relationships of Neandertals with individuals from East Asia, South America and Europe.

The study reports several other findings. For example, the researchers generated a list of recent changes in the human genome that occurred after the split from the Denisovans, i.e. changes unique to modern humans. This list will help scientists understand what sets modern humans apart from Denisovans and Neandertals. They also show that the Denisovan individual whose genome was sequenced carried genetic variants that in present-day humans are associated with dark skin, brown hair and brown eyes, and that the genetic diversity of the Denisovans themselves was extremely low. Given the Denisovans' wide geographic range over time, it is likely that their population was initially quite small but grew quickly, without time for genetic diversity to increase.

If further research shows that the Neandertal population size changed over time in a similar way, that may suggest that a single population expanding out of Africa gave rise to both the Denisovans and Neandertals, the study authors say.


The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is the world's largest general scientific society and publisher of the journal Science as well as Science Translational Medicine and Science Signaling. AAAS was founded in 1848 and includes some 261 affiliated societies and academies of science, serving 10 million individuals. Science has the largest paid circulation of any peer-reviewed general science journal in the world, with an estimated total readership of 1 million. The non-profit AAAS is open to all and fulfills its mission to "advance science and serve society" through initiatives in science policy, international programs, science education, public engagement, and more. For the latest research news, log onto EurekAlert!,, the premier science-news Web site, a service of AAAS. See

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Scientists sequence the genome of Neandertal relatives, the Denisovans [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 30-Aug-2012
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Contact: Natasha D. Pinol
American Association for the Advancement of Science

A new report describes the complete sequence of the Denisovan genome, shedding light on the relationships between these archaic humans, who were closely related to Neandertals, and modern humans.

The results will be published online by the journal Science, in the 30 August 2012 edition of ScienceExpress. Science is the flagship journal of AAAS, the nonprofit science society.

Fossil evidence of the Denisovans is scanty; the existence of this group only came to light in 2010 when DNA from a piece of a finger bone and two molars that were excavated at Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains of southern Siberia was studied.

Because they had only a tiny sample of material from the finger bone, Svante Pbo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany and his research team developed a treatment that unzipped the DNA so that each of its two strands can be used to generate molecules for sequencing. This method allowed the team to generate an extremely thorough genome sequence (30X), similar in quality to what researchers can obtain for the modern human genome.

The researchers compared the Denisovan genome with those of several modern humans from around the world. The Denisovans share more genes with populations from the islands of southeastern Asia, including Melanesia and Australian Aborigines, than with populations elsewhere in Asia. Analysis of the Denisovan genome further illuminates the relationships of Neandertals with individuals from East Asia, South America and Europe.

The study reports several other findings. For example, the researchers generated a list of recent changes in the human genome that occurred after the split from the Denisovans, i.e. changes unique to modern humans. This list will help scientists understand what sets modern humans apart from Denisovans and Neandertals. They also show that the Denisovan individual whose genome was sequenced carried genetic variants that in present-day humans are associated with dark skin, brown hair and brown eyes, and that the genetic diversity of the Denisovans themselves was extremely low. Given the Denisovans' wide geographic range over time, it is likely that their population was initially quite small but grew quickly, without time for genetic diversity to increase.

If further research shows that the Neandertal population size changed over time in a similar way, that may suggest that a single population expanding out of Africa gave rise to both the Denisovans and Neandertals, the study authors say.


The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is the world's largest general scientific society and publisher of the journal Science as well as Science Translational Medicine and Science Signaling. AAAS was founded in 1848 and includes some 261 affiliated societies and academies of science, serving 10 million individuals. Science has the largest paid circulation of any peer-reviewed general science journal in the world, with an estimated total readership of 1 million. The non-profit AAAS is open to all and fulfills its mission to "advance science and serve society" through initiatives in science policy, international programs, science education, public engagement, and more. For the latest research news, log onto EurekAlert!,, the premier science-news Web site, a service of AAAS. See

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Nasa rover sets off on Mars trek

Nasa's Curiosity rover has set off from its Martian landing site on a trek to a destination 400m away, where scientists want to begin using the robot's drill.

The rover has carried out its third drive, heading eastward about 16m (52ft) - its longest journey so far.

Scientists want to examine a feature they have named Glenelg, where three different types of terrain intersect.

They have chosen it as a likely place to find their first rock target for drilling and analysis.

Curiosity has been built to drive at least 20km across the Martian landscape to investigate whether the planet ever had the conditions necessary for life.

Continue reading the main story

Curiosity - Mars Science Laboratory

  • Mission goal is to determine whether Mars has ever had the conditions to support life
  • Project costed at $2.5bn; will see initial surface operations lasting two Earth years
  • Onboard plutonium generators will deliver heat and electricity for at least 14 years
  • 75kg science payload more than 10 times as massive as those of earlier US Mars rovers
  • Equipped with tools to brush and drill into rocks, to scoop up, sort and sieve samples
  • Variety of analytical techniques to discern chemistry in rocks, soil and atmosphere
  • Will try to make first definitive identification of organic (carbon-rich) compounds
  • Even carries a laser to zap rocks; beam will identify atomic elements in rocks

"This drive really begins our journey toward the first major driving destination, Glenelg, and it's nice to see some Martian soil on our wheels," said mission manager Arthur Amador of Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in California.

Curiosity's project scientist John Grotzinger, from the California Institute of Technology, said: "We are on our way, though Glenelg is still many weeks away.

"We plan to stop for just a day at the location we just reached, but in the next week or so we will make a longer stop."

During that stop at still-to-be-determined location, Curiosity will test its robotic arm and the contact instruments at the end of the arm.

At the location reached Tuesday, Curiosity's Mast Camera (Mastcam) will collect a set of images toward the mission's ultimate driving destination, the lower slope of nearby Mount Sharp.

Scientists expect to find rocks at the base of Mount Sharp that were laid down billions of years ago in the presence of abundant water.

A mosaic of images from the current location will be used along with the Mastcam images of the mountain taken at the spot where Curiosity touched down.

This stereo pair taken about 10m (33ft) apart will provide three-dimensional information about distant features and possible driving routes.

  • (A) Curiosity will trundle around its landing site looking for interesting rock features to study. Its top speed is about 4cm/s
  • (B) This mission has 17 cameras. They will identify particular targets, and a laser will zap those rocks to probe their chemistry
  • (C) If the signal is significant, Curiosity will swing over instruments on its arm for close-up investigation. These include a microscope
  • (D) Samples drilled from rock, or scooped from the soil, can be delivered to two hi-tech analysis labs inside the rover body
  • (E) The results are sent to Earth through antennas on the rover deck. Return commands tell the rover where it should drive next


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Sifteo Cubes go next-generation, square gaming gets more portable (update)

Sifteo Cubes

It's hard to believe, but Sifteo's interactive gaming Cubes first went on sale just over a year ago. Fast forward to the present, and the company has unveiled version two of the MIT-born blocks. If you'll recall, the 1.7-inch squares let you play interactive table-top games, each featuring a 1.5-inch LCD screen, motion sensing and wireless connectivity. With this next-gen variant, Sifteo's improved the graphics, added capacitive touch to the screen (the original acted like a physical button) and doubled the amount of Cubes that can interact at once to 12. The V2 Cubes also come packed with a dedicated, AAA-powered, wireless base station / speaker that stores your titles, sparing the need for a computer to play as was the case with the originals -- an onboard USB allows downloaded files to be transferred from your computers. Developers looking to create content for the device will also pleased to know that Sifteo's releasing its next SDK on October 1st.

Ready for some tangibly-cute Cube gameplay? Pre-orders begin today at Sifteo's website, priced at $130 for 3 Cubes with a base station and five games, and $30 for each additional cube. They're set to ship in November, so in the meantime you'll find details in the video demo and press release after the break.

Update: For those curious, we've learned that the original Cubes are not compatible with the new ones, but Sifteo has emailed owners with a $50 voucher that they can use toward upgrading.

Continue reading Sifteo Cubes go next-generation, square gaming gets more portable (update)

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Sifteo Cubes go next-generation, square gaming gets more portable (update) originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 30 Aug 2012 09:00:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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J&J's Zytiga to be reviewed faster by FDA for additional use

(Reuters) - Johnson & Johnson said an application to gain approval for a new usage of its prostate cancer treatment Zytiga won a priority review status from U.S. health regulators, meaning that the drug would be reviewed faster than usual.

The company is trying to get Zytiga approved to treat prostate cancer patients who have not undergone chemotherapy. The drug gained U.S. approval in 2011 to treat prostate cancer patients who have previously received chemotherapy.

The priority review status, which is granted by the FDA to expedite the review of drugs to treat serious diseases and fill unmet medical needs, means that the drug would be reviewed in six months rather than the usual 10 to 12-months.

Zytiga's worldwide sales rose about $32 million sequentially to $232 million in the second quarter.

The company said it had submitted the application in June.

(This version of the story corrects the first paragraph to say treatment, not cure)

(Reporting by Zeba Siddiqui in Bangalore; Editing by Akshay Lodaya)


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Fitness and Health Commitment | ? Weight Loss ...

Ready for a lifetime of better health and fitness?Commitment to your health and fitness means not for a week (like popular ?diets? and ?cleanses? that promise to shed the pounds and inches) or a month or any determined period of time. Committing to your health and fitness means you?re making a decision to make a change in your lifestyle. This change needs to be something that you can do .. forever .. something you can maintain day after day, week after week, month after month and yes, year after year.

Are you ready for a lifetime of better health and fitness? YES? Great!

Here is the secret to making a successful commitment to your health and fitness.

Start in the kitchen ? get the nutrition you need, every day. As you start fueling your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to perform you?ll have more energy.. that?s when you move into active mode! Start walking, jogging, yoga, join a gym, add a 5k or boot camp here and there, etc. By following this simple plan of action you will launch a whole new lifestyle that you will find enjoyable and maintainable.

Life changing commitment starts by making the choice to go for it. Are you going for it today? One year from today is coming no matter what choice you make today. Where do you want to be a year from now?

Commit to better health and fitness

Commit to better health and fitness

Visalus has helped me reach my goal weight in a short amount of time. It has changed the way I think about food, nutrition, health and overcome the mental hurdles that SO many people struggle with when it comes to our bodies and our relationship with food. I believe in this so much I've made it my career. I help people regain control of their weight, their health, even their finances. I want to help you - all you have to do is START! To your health :) Mary This entry was posted in Health and Fitness Blog. Bookmark the permalink.


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Bagley cartoon: GOP Humor | The Salt Lake Tribune

(This Pat Bagley editorial cartoon appears in The Salt Lake Tribune) on Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012.

Bagley cartoon: GOP Humor

First Published Aug 28 2012 05:05 pm ? Updated 4 hours ago Reader comments on are the opinions of the writer, not The Salt Lake Tribune. We will delete comments containing obscenities, personal attacks and inappropriate or offensive remarks. Flagrant or repeat violators will be banned. If you see an objectionable comment, click the red "Flag" link below it.
See more about comments here.


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Activist Post: Farmer Wins Stressful 3-Year State Legal Battle -- Raw ...

Heather Callaghan
Activist Post

Armand and Teddi Bechard were following Missouri's raw milk laws when undercover agents from the Springfield-Greene County Health Department bought milk from the Bechard's central delivery location. The agents made undercover purchases twice in 2009 at a health food store parking lot and the Bechards have finally found relief in the battle to continue providing fresh milk to their customers.

During the sting operations, Armand heard from a health department worker:

This is your warning boss doesn't like raw milk in the city of Springfield. And so if you continue to deliver it, you're gonna get a summons.
The video below shows the authorities' dizzying interpretations and stretched definitions of property, sales, and more. The summons attempted a permanent injunction against the Bechards and their posterity. The harassment and amount of action over legal semantics was incredible.

According to Missouri statute, unlicensed farmers can sell and deliver raw dairy, but it was the Missouri State Milk Board that filed a lawsuit to force the Bechards to deliver each sale to the customer's house and prohibit the central distributing location.

On top of the Milk Board action, Greene County D.A. filed suit against Mr. Bechard, accusing him of selling raw dairy outside of his farmland. An appeal acquitted him of the charge early last year.

Why did the Milk Board raise such a fuss over where the Bechards were legally selling their goods? Did the three-year legal battle amply bring a victory for them and other raw milk advocates?

The Missouri State Milk Board is somewhat of a quality assurance branch of Missouri's Department of Agriculture, and was created in 1972 to "encourage" sanitary milk production. It appears they disliked the possibility of random customers being able to walk up and buy fresh milk. They were risking their legal action based on an Attorney General Opinion (or interpretation of the law) from 1973. Attorney General Opinions are not the law.?They must have sent the health department agents out undercover because they enlist the health department through contract services.

Farm-To-Consumer Legal Defense Fund provided General Counsel Gary Cox to assist in the final settlement. The judge signed a consent judgement where the Bechards cannot sell to "strangers," like anyone who "walks up" to them in the parking lot without some prior sales arrangement.

But, the settlement guarantees that they can sell to whomever they wish and deliver it anywhere: customer's home, a central distribution point like a parking lot, and on their farm. By entering into this settlement, the Bechards are not adding legitimacy to the Board's allegations.

This settlement actually further anchors the Bechards' right to keep providing dairy to their members. It reiterates their right to keep selling from the central delivery location. Although they cannot sell to any stranger who walks up to them, they have more incentive now to bring in members, free from?harassment.

The Milk Board, which supposedly oversees sanitation and production went through an awful lot of trouble to ensure that the Bechards were following every jot and tittle of Missouri State law. It was a senseless action because it was not motivated by a sense of public safety, but rather an attempt to shut down a very small production and prohibit raw milk freedom.

It was a rough, emotional three years for the Bechards, but with hope this victory will propel them forward and show others that they have the freedom to do the same.

Here is Armand sharing his story, inspiring and with more legal battles, at a May FundRAISER Dinner at a St. Louis Regional Weston A. Price Conference:


The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund defends the rights and broadens the freedoms of?family farms and protects consumer access to raw milk and nutrient-dense foods. Those concerned?can support the FTCLDF, a U.S. based 501(c)(4) nonprofit, by joining or donating online at or by calling 703-208-FARM (3276).

Read other articles by Heather Callaghan HERE You can support this information by voting on Reddit HERE

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Snooki: Baby Lorenzo Loves You All!

Snooki is loving life - and her newly-expanded family - in the 36 hours since she gave birth to a baby boy named Lorenzo Dominic LaValle in Livingston, N.J.

The Jersey Shore star has taken to Twitter to gush about ... everything.

"Being a mom is an amazing feeling!!!" she tweeted saying little Enzo is "My World". And "I love my little man to death! Jionni is such a cute dad."

"Post birth isn't so comfy and glamorous. But my son is FABULOUS."

Snookie Snickers

Later, Snooki expressed her appreciation to the many peeps who have sent congratulatory messages, including but not limited to the Jersey Shore cast.

"Thank you all for your love and support!! Lorenzo loves all you guys already!" she wrote ... while struggling to get any decent shut-eye.

"Hardly any sleep but SO worth it!" she noted.

Not that pregnancy ending isn't without perks.

"I'm finally able to eat eggs again!" Snooki wrote. "While I was pregnant I couldn't even smell them! Now I'm killing it with egg whites!!!"

Good to know, Snooks. Good to know. Congrats again to the reality star and fiance Jionni LaValle, who proposed to her earlier this year.

Will Nicole be a good mom?


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Prevent Diabetes Problems ? Be Sure That Your Skin And Feet Are ...

Approximately one fifth of diabetic Americans are hospitalized for foot-related issues at some point in their lives. Lots of signs of diabetic issues contribute to the risk of foot contamination. Diabetics commonly experience thick calluses which can easily damage as well as develop into abscess. An additional possible sign of diabetes is poor circulation which ? in turn ? impairs the body?s capability to heal, mend and fend off contamination. Diabetes can easily also cause neuropathy, severe nerve harm that restricts feeling in extremities. Because of nerve damage, a diabetic could not even feel the pain of an accident or contamination, permitting wounds to go unnoticed and hence get worse. When a wound is left neglected for too long, it could become contaminated. Health care therapy can easily include prescription antibiotics, a hospital stay, and ? in harsh scenarios ? amputation. The feet are particularly prone as they are often out of sight as well as tough to check out. For these several reasons, it is extremely importance that diabetics practice thoughtful, thorough foot care.

The complying with are highly recommended suggestions for keeping your feet happy as well as healthy and balanced!

Consistently wear proper diabetic footwears or slippers and NEVER walk around barefoot. Selecting the appropriate footwear is crucial to foot health as most diabetic foot traumas are the outcome of unsatisfactory fitting shoes. Footwears for diabetics should not be also tight or slender. They must be created from relaxed, breathable product as well as feature mesh vents to ventilate the footwears, lessening wetness, which tends to bred germs. Pair a high quality pair of diabetic footwears with seamless socks or squeezing stockings.

Frequently inspect your feet for any indication of calluses, sores, sores, or accidents. Make it a regular routine, possibly something you perform right after brushing your teeth and prior to bed. Usage a hand mirror to check out those hard-to-see locations. If that doesn?t function, have a relative inspect your feet for you.

Wash your feet every day and after strenuous physical exercise or activity. Usage cleansing soap and hot water ? test the temperature with your elbow if you have trouble discerning the climate. Do NOT soak feet. Extended soaking may result in dry, fractured skin.

After cleaning your feet, make use of an emery board carefully file down calluses. Do not over-file as that may result in sores as well as blood loss ? which is exactly just what you are attempting to avoid.

Usage a light coating of lotion after you clean as well as file. Beware not to slather on cream or allow it to trap in between the toes as this develops an excellent atmosphere for bacteria to reproduce. Massage in the cream until it is absolutely absorbed.

Cut your nails as needed. Most individuals find as soon as a week or every other week functions best. Fashion the nail to the shape of your toes and beware to not trim them as well quick. Submit the edges to prevent snagging nails that can easily tear.

Never neglect foot problems of any kind of kind. If you uncover a cut, treat it instantly. If you see as of the following, contain your doctor promptly: welling up, cracks around the heel, calluses that hemorrhage, nail concerns, open sores, modifications in color of the skin, pain in your legs, or changes in skin climate.

See your medical doctor for a yearly foot check-up. Ask if they have any concerns or could recommend any sort of items for enhancing your foot care program.
Satisfy note that this report is for informative applications just and is not planned to identify or handle any health care condition, or be taken as health-related advice. For even more info connected to your special circumstance, satisfy talk to your private physician.

Once again, we go back to the complications led to by neuropathy. When your feet are totally numb, you will definitely have no concept of exactly what you are strolling on, also something dangerous, unless you in fact make the effort to look. While not an ideal answer, diabetic slippers can easily assist safeguard you from walking on sharp items. For even more info on this subject attempt health


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NATO helicopter crashes in Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) ? NATO says one of its helicopters has crashed in eastern Afghanistan. It says no one was killed.

Lt. j.g. Amy Hession says the helicopter made a hard landing in the eastern province of Logar late Monday night. She says there were no initial reports of insurgent activity nearby.

The Taliban claimed in a statement Tuesday that its fighters shot down the helicopter and killed all those aboard. The insurgents often exaggerate success of attacks or claim accidents as victories.

The Taliban also has claimed to have shot down another helicopter that crashed this month in Kandahar province, killing seven American service members and four Afghans. U.S. officials said the helicopter did not appear to be hit by enemy fire, but the official investigation is not complete.


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Monday, August 27, 2012

Retirement Daze: Anniversary #45

Retirement Daze: Anniversary #45 skip to main | skip to sidebar

Anniversary #45

Husband Walter and I are celebrating 45 years of marriage today. We have always been a bit casual about anniversaries. That fact has never bothered me. I have been blessed with a mate who regularly works on preserving and strengthening the glue of our relationship.That doesn?t mean we haven?t ever been beset by insidious solvents that are capable of dissolving the glue. But regular ?glue maintenance? and dependence on a faithful and sovereign God has given us the joy of both spontaneous and planned celebrations of life throughout the year. So today I celebrate life with one of those rare men, a guy who ?sticks? through good times and bad, who has never stopped growing in all aspects of life, who accepts me with all my irritating faults, who encourages me and engages me in adventures I would never have enjoyed on my own. He is God?s gift to me.Happy anniversary, hubby!



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Evidence mounts of new massacre in Syria

This citizen journalism image provided by Shaam News Network SNN, taken on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012, purports to show people killed by shabiha, pro-government militiamen, in a makeshift morgue in Daraya, Syria. According to activists' accounts, government forces retook the Damascus suburb of Daraya from rebel control three days ago and have since gone on a killing spree. Reports of the death toll range widely from more than 300 to as many as 600. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network, SNN) THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS CITIZEN JOURNALIST IMAGE

This citizen journalism image provided by Shaam News Network SNN, taken on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012, purports to show people killed by shabiha, pro-government militiamen, in a makeshift morgue in Daraya, Syria. According to activists' accounts, government forces retook the Damascus suburb of Daraya from rebel control three days ago and have since gone on a killing spree. Reports of the death toll range widely from more than 300 to as many as 600. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network, SNN) THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS CITIZEN JOURNALIST IMAGE

This citizen journalism image provided by Shaam News Network SNN, taken on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012, purports to show people killed by shabiha pro-government militiamen being prepared for a mass burial in Daraya, Syria. According to activists' accounts, government forces retook the Damascus suburb of Daraya from rebel control three days ago and have since gone on a killing spree. Reports of the death toll range widely from more than 300 to as many as 600. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network, SNN) THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS CITIZEN JOURNALIST IMAGE

This citizen journalism image provided by Shaam News Network SNN, taken on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012, purports to show people killed by shabiha, pro-government militiamen, being buried in a mass grave in Daraya, Syria. According to activists' accounts, government forces retook the Damascus suburb of Daraya from rebel control three days ago and have since gone on a killing spree. Reports of the death toll range widely from more than 300 to as many as 600. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network, SNN) THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS CITIZEN JOURNALIST IMAGE

This citizen journalism image provided by Shaam News Network SNN, taken on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012, purports to show people who were killed by shabiha, pro-government militiamen in Daraya, Syria. According to activists' accounts, government forces retook the Damascus suburb of Daraya from rebel control three days ago and have since gone on a killing spree. Reports of the death toll range widely from more than 300 to as many as 600. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network, SNN)THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS CITIZEN JOURNALIST IMAGE

This citizen journalism image provided by Shaam News Network SNN, taken on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012, purports to show people killed by shabiha, pro-government militiamen, being buried in a mass grave in Daraya, Syria. According to activists' accounts, government forces retook the Damascus suburb of Daraya from rebel control three days ago and have since gone on a killing spree. Reports of the death toll range widely from more than 300 to as many as 600. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network, SNN)THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS CITIZEN JOURNALIST IMAGE

BEIRUT (AP) ? Row upon row of bloodied bodies wrapped in colorful blankets laid out on a mosque floor in a Damascus suburb. Long narrow graves tightly packed with dozens of victims. Nestled among them, two babies were wrapped in a single blood-soaked blanket, a yellow pacifier dangling beside them from a palm frond.

Evidence mounted on Sunday of a new massacre in Syria's deepening civil war, with activists reporting a killing spree by government forces after they seized the suburb of Daraya from rebel control three days ago. Reports of the death toll ranged from more than 300 to as many as 600.

Video footage posted by activists showed lineups of corpses, many of them men with gunshot wounds to their heads. During mass burials on Sunday, bodies were sprayed with water from hoses ? a substitute for the ritual washing prescribed by Islam in the face of so many dead.

The gruesome images appeared to expose the lengths to which the regime of authoritarian President Bashar Assad was willing to go to put down the rebellion that first broke out in March last year.

In an ominous commentary, Assad was quoted by his official media as saying his regime would carry on fighting "whatever the price."

"It is clear that was collective punishment," Khaled Al-Shami, an activist from Damascus, said of the killings in Daraya. "I am certain that the coming days will reveal more massacres, but by then others will have taken place and people will forget about Daraya."

The video footage and death toll were impossible to independently verify because of severe restrictions on media coverage of the conflict. However activists and residents have reported excessive use of force by the regime, with indiscriminate bombing from the air and ground.

"Daraya, a city of dignity, has paid a heavy price for demanding freedom," the Local Coordination Committees activist group said in a statement, adding that the Assad regime targeted residents with executions and revenge killings "regardless of whether they were men, women or children."

With a population of about 200,000, Daraya is part of "Rural Damascus," or Reef Damascus, a province that includes the capital's suburbs and farmland. It has been a stronghold of support for the rebels fighting the government since the start of the uprising, posing a particularly grave threat to Assad's seat of power.

Troops backed by tanks stormed the town on Thursday after a siege that lasted several days during which no one was allowed to enter or leave, activists and residents said. The rebels were no match for Assad's tanks and helicopter gunships.

Most of the killings, according to activists, took place Friday and Saturday. But the extent of the carnage only began to be revealed Sunday.

The British-based activist group Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 45 more dead bodies were found in the streets of Daraya on Sunday and that they had been killed by "gunfire and summary executions." Among them, it said, were three women and two children. It said the toll for the past week was at least 320.

Rami Abdul-Rahman, the observatory's director, said activists on the ground identified 207 of the 320.

The Local Coordination Committees also reported 45 deaths Sunday and said 300 bodies were discovered a day earlier in Daraya, with a total of 633 people killed there since the government launched its assault. It said 1,755 people had been detained in Daraya, suggesting that hundreds more might turn up dead.

Video footage posted by the group showed rows of bodies wrapped in blood-soaked blankets, with date palms and tree branches strewn over them. Someone was shown spraying the bodies with a hose, a substitute for the ritual washing of the dead prescribed by Islam's teachings.

Another video posted on the Internet and dated Saturday showed dozens of bodies on the blood-splattered floor of a mosque. Pieces of paper were placed on some of them, presumably identifying them. The anonymous commentator, his voice choking, said there were at least 150 bodies there and blamed a pro-government militia known as shabiha for the killings.

A third video showed several dozen bodies, some in white shrouds, stacked next to each other in what appeared to be a courtyard of a mosque or a large home.

A photograph circulated by the Shaam News Network showed two babies, their pajama tops soaked in blood, wrapped in a blanket decorated with blue and white flowers. It said they were among dozens of victims buried Sunday in a mass grave.

Al-Shami, the Damascus activist, and Abdul-Rahman said Daraya was under a de facto curfew Sunday, as Assad's forces carried out house-to-house searches as well as execution-style killings. The Internet had been disconnected by authorities, said Al-Shami, who did not use his real name for fear of reprisals.

The fighting in Dayara, according to activists, is being carried out by the Syrian army's elite 4th Division, which is led by Assad's brother, Maher. The division is by far the best trained and armed outfit and is primarily tasked with securing the capital.

One theory as to what triggered such a large-scale military operation was that rebel mortar teams have targeted the capital's military Mazzeh airport, which abuts Daraya. Activists said the regime was intent on protecting the facility as a potential gateway out of the capital for Assad and pillars of his regime if the situation dramatically worsens.

Britain's Middle East minister, Alistair Burt, said on Sunday that if confirmed, the Daraya killings "would be an atrocity on a new scale requiring unequivocal condemnation from the entire international community."

Still, the battle for Daraya showed the regime to be struggling to control Damascus and its suburbs, though the firepower available to it is far superior to anything the rebels might have. Government forces are stretched thin, with a major ongoing battle for control of the nation's largest city, Aleppo in the north, as well as smaller-scale operations in the east and south.

A total of 213 people were killed in fighting Sunday, according to the Observatory.

Activists say more than 20,000 people have died in 17 months of fighting in Syria, as an uprising that started with peaceful protests against Assad's rule has morphed into a civil war.

In Damascus, meanwhile, Syrian Vice President Farouk al-Sharaa appeared in public on Sunday for the first time in weeks, ending rumors that he had defected. Reporters saw him get out of his car and walk to his office for a meeting with Alaeddin Boroujerdi, head of Iran's powerful parliamentary committee on national security and foreign policy.

There have been a series of high-level defections from the Assad regime in the past few months.

Al-Sharaa was last seen at the funeral of four top security officials killed in a blast in Damascus on July 18. Since then, there had been rumors that he defected to Jordan, though al-Sharaa's office and Jordan repeatedly denied that.

On the Turkish-Syrian border, meanwhile, several thousand Syrians gathered at the Bab al-Salameh border crossing, having fled airstrikes in their northern towns and villages. They squatted on the sidewalks of three large hangars once used for cargo inspections of trucks. Some said they had been there a week or more.

Mohammed Abdel-Hay, 41, said his family of seven fled the village of Marea after a regime warplane bombed it last week, destroying a house and killing two people.

"They shelled us and we didn't leave. They hit us with helicopters and we didn't leave. Then they brought warplanes that dropped huge bombs that destroyed entire houses and we left," he said.

Since then, the family had staked out a patch of sidewalk where they sat on a plastic mat with a few grain sacks full of clothes.

Mustafa Khatib, 40, a middle school principal from the same village, was living in the hangar with his wife and their five children.

It had only one set of latrines, which the women and children used; the men used nearby fields. Water was in short supply and Khatib said he hadn't showered in a week. He said he'd eaten only a piece of bread and a hard-boiled egg all day Sunday.

Like most of the families, he hoped to get into a refugee camp in Turkey, but had been told there was no room.

"We'll stay here and wait and see," he said. "Every day, we ask and they tell us today or tomorrow, but they've been saying that for a week and we're still here."


Associated Press reporters Albert Aji in Damascus, Syria, and Ben Hubbard on the Turkish-Syrian border contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Israel stops activists from entering West Bank

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) ? Israeli authorities refused entry on Sunday to about 100 pro-Palestinian activists, including three Americans, attempting to cross overland to the West Bank from Jordan, according to their leader.

French organizer Olivia Zemor of the "Welcome to Palestine" campaign said Israeli authorities asked no questions and stamped "entry denied" into the passports without an explanation.

Israel's Defense Ministry denounced the protesters as "provocateurs and known troublemakers."

Earlier, Zemor told reporters in the Jordanian capital, Amman, that the group aimed to deliver one ton of school supplies to Palestinian children in refugee camps in Bethlehem.

In a statement late Sunday, the Israeli Defense Ministry called the effort a "failed publicity stunt." It said Israel exercised its right to deny them entry.

"There are no restrictions whatsoever on bringing in school supplies," the statement said. "If these activists sincerely wanted to bring in school supplies, they had countless options to do so. There are no shortages of school supplies in the West Bank."

Israel, which controls the Allenby Bridge land crossing, has previously blocked similar protests at its airport near Tel Aviv and seaports near the Gaza Strip.

Zemor said the activists want Israel to grant freedom of movement to the Palestinians and their visitors. Some also demand the lifting of an Israeli blockade on Gaza. She said the group, ranging in age from 10 to 80, was peaceful and unarmed.

She said a few of the protesters tried crossing the bridge but were ordered back to Jordan. She said buses ferrying the protesters were escorted in the direction of the Jordanian capital, Amman, by Jordanian anti-riot police and other security personnel.

The group said it hopes to visit a Palestinian refugee camp near Amman.


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

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I'm perplexed too.. by the line where she says 'we asked God to be our witness'. I've heard that before, and it usually means people are just living together as man and wife (using the arguement that it's the heart motive and commitment that counts, and God knows your heart and an official ceremony is just a piece of paper and bla de bla bla), but are NOT LEGALLY married. I COULD be wrong, and please correct me if I am, but in my experience, that is what 'God was our witness' usually means.

So, if I'm not wrong, maybe that's what she means by 'not married' on her profile.. not LEGALLY recognised as married.. but in her eyes is in a relationship she considers marriage? That's all I've got...

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Dominant All Blacks punish Australia

Impregnable New Zealand punished Australia 22-0 in the Test at Eden Park on Saturday -- the first time in 50 years the Wallabies have been kept scoreless by the world champion All Blacks.

The one-sided result kept the Kiwis unbeaten after two matches in the Rugby Championship and saw them retain the Bledisloe Cup, contested between the two nations, for the 10th consecutive season.

Returning to the scene of their World Cup triumph 10 months ago, the All Blacks scored only one try with Dan Carter adding five penalties and a conversion.

But they dominated throughout, even though they were unable to completely remedy their erratic form from last week, when they beat the Wallabies 27-19 in Sydney, and again they had problems securing a clean lineout ball.

They monstered Australia in the scrums and controlled the breakdown, where Richie McCaw and Kieran Read showed far more aggression than Michael Hooper and Scott Higginbotham.

Behind the pack, fledgling scrum-half Aaron Smith fed a stream of front-foot ball to his outsides, where Dan Carter and Sonny Bill Williams kept Quade Cooper and Berrick Barnes scrambling.

"To keep them out was pretty satisfying and that's probably just as good as the 22 (points) really," said captain McCaw who was not entirely happy with the performance.

"There's a little sense that perhaps we blew some opportunities. We perhaps could have been in control of the game earlier than we were."

It is the second time this year New Zealand achieved the rare feat of blanking the opposition -- they beat Ireland 60-0 -- and Wallabies coach Robbie Deans was full of praise for the way the All Blacks played.

"That was an outstanding performance. They're a side that's playing with the confidence of being world champions and I don't think there's any side in the world that would have footed it with them tonight."

The Wallabies, who chose an expansive game plan last week, opted for a more conservative forward drive approach for the return clash but apart from a brief period at the start of the game they rarely put the All Blacks under pressure.

In the first half, three Carter penalties were the only points for the All Blacks as tries went begging.

Israel Dagg was brought down just short of the line when a pass to an unmarked Hosea Gear outside would have perhaps been a better option, and Liam Messam crossed the line only to have the ball ripped out of his grasp.

Despite the 9-0 lead at the turn the All Blacks were always in control and the points flowed freely after the break.

With the wind behind him Carter landed a 53-metre penalty which was followed by a try to Dagg beside the posts.

Carter landed the conversion and immediately another penalty after the All Blacks swept back on attack when Barnes' kick off went out on the full.

Eight minutes after the restart and the All Blacks had piled on 13 points and any hopes the Wallabies held of pulling off an upset were gone.

When Australia had a chance for easy points, a penalty 10 metres out and in front of the posts, they took a tap kick instead and the move ended with the All Blacks securing a turnover.

It was left to Carter to land one more penalty to end the scoring and extend the All Blacks' unbeaten run at Eden Park to 30 Tests.


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

&#39;Daughters Day at Yankee Stadium&#39; Monday night ? The Cutoff Man

The Yankees and the Women?s Sports Foundation will celebrate ?Daughters Day at Yankee Stadium? when the team returns to the Bronx for a three-game series against the Blue Jays starting Monday night.

As part of Monday?s events, Olympics gold medalists Christie Rampone, captain of the 2012 U.S. women?s national soccer team, Sarah Hughes (2002 figure skating) and former WNBA New York Liberty star Kym Hampton will take part in a pregame ceremony in which the Yankees Foundation will make a contribution to support the Women?s Sports Foundation?s efforts to provide positive recreational outlets for girls throughout New York?s five boroughs.

Rampone and Hughes will throw out the game?s ceremonial first pitches, and Hampton will sing the national anthem. Joining Rampone, Hughes, Hampton and Women?s Sports Foundation chief executive officer Kathryn Olson at the game will be fellow female athletes Cameron Myler (four-time Olympics luger), Phaidra Knight (2010 rugby Player of the Decade), Andra Douglas (owner of the Women?s Professional Football League?s New York Sharks), Natalie Vie (2010 national champion fencer) and Alexis Page (International gold medalist in rhythmic gymnastics).

Founded in 1974 by tennis legend Billie Jean King, the Women?s Sports Foundation advances the lives of girls and women through sports and physical activity. From advocacy to research to funding to grassroots programming, the Women?s Sports Foundation has increased opportunities for millions of girls and women across the United States. The organization recognizes the importance of getting girls active and celebrates the positive impact of the Women?s Sports Foundation?s GoGirlGo! New York City program which works to improve the health of sedentary girls by getting them involved in sports and physical activity in a safe and positive environment.

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Tiger at German zoo kills keeper, is then shot dead

Marius Becker / EPA

An ambulance leaves the zoo in Cologne, Germany, on Saturday after a female staffer was killed by a tiger there.

By NBC News and wire reports

BERLIN -- A Siberian tiger attacked and killed a female keeper at Cologne zoo on Saturday before being shot dead, a zoo spokesman said.

The gate of the tiger's enclosure had not been properly shut, allowing the big cat to jump on the woman and maul and bite her. She later died of her wounds in hospital.?

The director of the zoo, Theo Pagel, shot the tiger dead from a rooftop, the spokesman added. Police briefly cleared the area after the incident but the zoo later reopened for visitors.

The victim's name was not released but she was said to have been 43 years old.

"This is the darkest day of my life," Pagel later said in a brief statement at the zoo's entry, the Kolner Stadt-Anzeiger news website reported.

Cologne zoo in western Germany, founded in 1860, is one of the oldest and best-known in the country and is home to some 10,000 animals from 700 species.?

Reuters contributed to this report.


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Friday, August 24, 2012

SW Ind. farm source of some contaminated melons

Unharvested cantaloupes sit in an unidentified field in Owensville, Indiana on Thursday, Aug. 23, 2012. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration linked cantaloupes from Chamberlain Farm Produce Inc. in Owensville, Ind., to the salmonella outbreak that has infected 178 people nationwide. (AP Photo/mbr/Erin McCracken, The Evansville Courier & Press)

Unharvested cantaloupes sit in an unidentified field in Owensville, Indiana on Thursday, Aug. 23, 2012. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration linked cantaloupes from Chamberlain Farm Produce Inc. in Owensville, Ind., to the salmonella outbreak that has infected 178 people nationwide. (AP Photo/mbr/Erin McCracken, The Evansville Courier & Press)

U.S. Food and Drug Administration linked cantaloupes from Chamberlain Farm Produce Inc. in Owensville, Ind. as seen on Thursday, Aug. 23, 2012, to the salmonella outbreak that has infected 178 people nationwide on Monday. Production and distribution of cantaloupes has been ceased and owner Tim Chamberlain is cooperating with the investigation. The U.S. FDA is investigating other farms as well as Chamberlain Farms, which means other farms or distributors could be involved. (AP Photo/The Evansville Courier & Press, Erin McCracken)

U.S. Food and Drug Administration linked cantaloupes from Chamberlain Farm Produce Inc. in Owensville, Ind. as seen on Thursday, Aug. 23, 2012, to the salmonella outbreak that has infected 178 people nationwide on Monday. Production and distribution of cantaloupes has been ceased and owner Tim Chamberlain is cooperating with the investigation. The U.S. FDA is investigating other farms as well as Chamberlain Farms, which means other farms or distributors could be involved. (AP Photo/The Evansville Courier & Press, Erin McCracken)

Chamberlain Farms in Owensville, Ind. is shown Thursday, Aug. 23, 2012. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention late Wednesday identified Chamberlain Farms, in Owensville, as a source of the outbreak, which it blames for sickening 178 people since early July, including 62 who were hospitalized and two who have died. (AP Photo/Princeton Daily Clarion, Zach Evans)

(AP) ? Health officials say a farm in southwestern Indiana was the source of at least some of the salmonella-contaminated cantaloupe that has made at least 178 people in 21 states ill, but they are still trying to determine whether there are other sources.

Federal and state officials disagree whether it is safe to eat melons from the region. The Food and Drug Administration says consumers should discard any cantaloupes grown there bought on or after July 7 because they are still investigating other possible sources of the outbreak.

Amy Reel, Indiana Department of Health spokeswoman, says the state is recommending cantaloupes from Chamberlain Farms in Owensville be discarded, but melons from other farms are safe to eat as long as they are washed well and people use clean knives and cutting boards.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention late Wednesday identified Chamberlain Farms as a source of the outbreak, which has led to 62 hospitalizations and two deaths.

Shelly Burgess, an FDA spokeswoman, said Thursday that the investigation is still in its early stages and that it is too early to say whether all the contaminated fruit could be traced back to the farm.

Tim Chamberlain, who runs the 100-acre Chamberlain Farms, said it stopped producing and distributing cantaloupe on Aug. 16, when the FDA alerted him that the fruit could be tainted.

"We've had no production," he said.

Chamberlain said he doesn't know what might have caused the contamination. John Broadhead, an attorney for the farm, said it voluntarily withdrew its cantaloupes last week and that all of its retail and wholesale purchasers complied with the recall.

"We're waiting for the government agencies to tell us what to do," he said.

The farm, which is about 20 miles north of Evansville, sold cantaloupes to grocery stores in four southwestern Indiana counties and one in southeastern Illinois, Broadhead said in a statement. The fruit also was sold to wholesale purchasers in St. Louis; Owensboro, Ky.; Peru, Ill., and Durant, Iowa.

Burgess said it isn't known how many cantaloupes the farm sold since people started getting sick. Investigators traced the salmonella back to Chamberlain Farms through two cantaloupes at an IGA grocery store in Kentucky, Reel said.

Salmonella is one of the most common causes of food poisoning in the U.S. and can contaminate a wide range of foods, including eggs, meat, unpasteurized dairy products and juices, raw melon and alfalfa sprouts, nuts and even spices. It causes diarrhea, fever and cramps, and although most people recover without treatment, it can cause serious illness in older people, infants and those with chronic diseases, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Testing on the salmonella found on cantaloupes growing at Chamberlain Farms will be completed next week, Reel said.

Chamberlain said he has had no other problems at the farm since it began operating in 1982. Reel said the state doesn't inspect farms in Indiana, but there were no records of any health problems at Chamberlain Farms.

Indiana ranked fourth in the nation in cantaloupe production last year. Chamberlain said his farm would be considered medium-sized by Indiana standards.

Indiana University law school Professor Diana Winters, whose research involves the judicial review of health and safety regulations, said the Food Safety Modernization Act was signed into law by President Barack Obama. The act included requirements for new standards for produce farmers.

"It got passed, but it just hasn't been implemented. I think that's frustrating for a lot of people," she said.

Winters said it is difficult for any farm linked to salmonella contamination to survive. For example, federal officials blamed tainted processing equipment and water at a Colorado cantaloupe farm for a listeriosis outbreak that killed 30 people last year. The farm filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in May.

"I think once a farm is identified they have an uphill climb ahead of them because there most likely be a lot of personal injury claims against them that they will need cash flow to settle. They're also going to have trouble marketing their produce," she said.

Associated Press


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