Sunday, August 5, 2012

Alternative Health Information Blog: Homeopathy For All Your Ailments

Homeopathic medicine is just one of many alternative medicines making a comeback in the U.S., which is strange since homeopathy is the second most commonly, used form of medicine in the world. Homeopathy like many of the other alternative medicines is based on the body's innate capacity to heal itself. With homeopathy a minute dose of a natural substance is consumed to stimulate self-healing. The basis for homeopathy is centered on the idea of "like cures like". This means that the substance that causes symptoms in a healthy individual will also cure those same symptoms in a sick person.

A German doctor named Samuel Hahnemann in the 19th century created homeopathy. It quickly spread around the world, and was refined by medical doctors. In the late 19th century and early 20th century the US became the center of homeopathic development. However like many of its counterparts, conventional medical doctors pushed out homeopathy to the fringes of the medical community. Nevertheless, homeopathy still grew in its use worldwide. Hundreds of millions of people in more than 80 countries use homeopathy. In addition homeopathy is part of national healthcare systems in the UK, Germany, France, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Brazil and Mexico.

Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine. It treats the entire spectrum of human illness both physical and emotional. Examples include but are not limited to anxiety, depression, back pain, fatigue, insomnia, allergies, arthritis, skin conditions, menopausal/hormonal conditions, auto-immune disease, ADHD, neurological conditions, etc. With over 200 years of use, homeopathy is likely the safest medical discipline with absolutely no attributed deaths. There are almost no reports of serious adverse effects because unlike hers or nutrients, homeopathy has no interaction with conventional drugs or surgical procedures. Furthermore there are no adverse side effects like prescription drugs or surgery. Even if the incorrect remedy is given, nothing will happen because the body only responds to the correct remedy.

Homeopathic medicine is much like many other medical professions in the sense that physicians must go through rigorous training. The homeopathic practitioner consults, examines and treats patients. Consultation may include an extensive interview followed by a physical examination. To determine a remedy the practitioner must not only take in to account the pathology but also the patient themselves. Homeopathic remedies are specially prepared in the forms of small white pellets, which dissolve under the tongue. Follow up appointments with a homeopathic practitioner are needed to manage the case.

If you want to be one of the millions of people worldwide who use homeopathy, look for a homeopathic practitioner in your area today.

Graduated with a BA in exercise science and have worked in the medical field since. My focus is alternative medicine however all aspects of health interest me. Check out my health website! Providing quality alternative health and fitness reviews online.


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