Friday, August 10, 2012

Kristen Stewart Affair Causes Summit Freakout!

Wow. Summit will stop at nothing to keep celebs from cracking jokes or even talking about the break-up scandal between their two biggest stars. It’s actually getting kind of scary out there.   Sure the real life Bella and Edward have parted ways (for now), and sure Kristen managed to do the unthinkable with an older man, but is Summit REALLY this powerful? It all started when one of the actresses from the final Breaking Dawn movie blabbed about the break-up. She didn’t even say anything too serious. That was enough for Summit to throw a FULL GAG ORDER on the cast and crew. That means no talk about it, no jokes about it, no Tweets about, heck I don’t even think they are allowed to THINK about it. The newest addition to this huge campaign of silence? Now MTV has apparently struck a deal with them to completely BLOCK all talk about the cheating scandal from the VMAs. That’s a tall order considering the hosts and presenters at the VMAs are always known for being crazy inappropriate. Nothing is off limits, and sometimes the jokes cause real awkward silences. How are they going to pull this off? Especially if [...]


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