Wednesday, October 31, 2012

How animals deal with downpours

With the rainy season now in full force across much of the United States, animals both in the wild and at zoos are coming up with some unique ways to cope.

How animals react can depend on three basic things: the species, the individual's personality and the animal's access to human-made shelter and goods.

Outside of humans, orangutans have come up with some of the primate world's best ways of dealing with rain. Orangutans live in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra, where dampness is part of the landscape.

In the forest during storms, orangutans will make protective canopies and "hats" out of leaves, but in zoos, they have found a more attractive material.

BLOG: Snub-Nosed Monkey Sneezes When It Rains

"Here in Seattle, rain is virtually an everyday occurrence," Gigi Allianic, spokesperson for Seattle's Woodland Park Zoo, told Discovery News. "Our orangutans wrap burlap bags around themselves and often just sit out storms. Like many of our other animals, they also have the option to retreat to an enclosure."

Most terrestrial animals do seek shelter. In nature, that can happen in tree or log holes, under rocks or leaves, or underground. Smaller animals like squirrels and mice will huddle together in such shelters, attempting to stay warm.

Rain seems to annoy most species, however, even aquatic animals. During torrential downpours, animals such as frogs, turtles and fish may retreat to lower levels of lakes and ponds, with some seeking added shelter under things like fallen rocks or driftwood.

Numerous animals, however, often remain out in the open and try to tolerate the wet.

"Grizzly bears at our zoo will often do that, even though they can go into an enclosure," Allianic said, adding that bears are very good swimmers.

PHOTOS: Hurricane Sandy's Path of Destruction

Reptiles possess scaly skin composed of a protein called keratin. This allows reptile skin to have waterproof qualities while still remaining properly hydrated.

"Crocodiles are pretty good at dealing with inclement weather," Nick Hanna, assistant curator at Audubon Nature Institute in New Orleans, told Discovery News. "They remain calm and cool and never freak out, even during hard rains."

Some animals do lose their cool, but not necessarily because of rain.

  1. Science news from

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      Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: Nationwide polls may portray the presidential campaign as a neck-and-neck race, but less conventional data-crunching methods spit out a different picture.

    2. Scientists look at climate change, superstorm
    3. How animals deal with downpours
    4. The scariest science experiments ever

"We've learned that, for certain animals, it's better and safer to leave them out instead of in," Hanna said. "When confined, ostriches tend to run into walls. African antelopes sometimes get so spooked that they will also run into walls."

These species, though, still have access to off-exhibit areas and canopies to shield them from sun and rain.

In certain cases, how an animal reacts has more to do with its individual personality. Hanna and Allianic indicated that some primates and elephants fare better than others during rainstorms, particularly when thunder and lightning are involved.

NEWS: What Are the Risks from Hurricane Sandy?

"More skittish individuals can get spooked, and they will tend to retreat indoors," Allianic explained. "Even big elephants and great apes can be like dogs and cats when it comes to reacting to thunder and lightning."

While animals can try to get away from such loud noises, some may invariably become soaking wet.

The good news is that furry animals, such as giant pandas, tigers, brown bears, kangaroos and more, have all evolved an ability to shake themselves dry in mere seconds.

Recently, Andrew Dickerson of the Georgia Institute of Technology alongside colleagues Zachary Mills and David Hu determined that this shaking is tuned to the perfect frequency for each species, in terms of its size and anatomy. Loose skin tissue turns out to serve an important role.

"By whipping around the body, it increases the speed of drops leaving the animal and the ensuing dryness relative to tight dermal tissue," Dickerson and his team explained.

The finding also helps to explain why everything else around the dog during a shakedown usually gets wet, while the dog ends up dry.

? 2012 Discovery Channel


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Monday, October 29, 2012

Obama's Second-Term Agenda: Making Obamacare's Taxes ...

from Forbes ? by Avik Roy -

On the campaign trail, Mitt Romney has been criticizing President Obama for not proposing an agenda for his second term. ?Although President Obama won?t lay out his plan for his second term,? said Romney in Florida last week, ?we already know what it will be: a repeat of the last four years.? But in fact, Obama?s second term would look quite different from his first, because it?s in the next four years that Obamacare?s web of new taxes, spending increases, and regulatory mandates will be weaved. Here?s a timeline.

(DISCLOSURE: I am an outside adviser to the Romney campaign on health care issues. The opinions contained herein are mine alone, and do not necessarily correspond to those of the campaign.)

Obamacare was cleverly designed such that its most politically toxic provisions wouldn?t go into effect until after the election. In addition, the Obama administration spent billions of unauthorized taxpayer dollars this year and last so that the impact of its cuts wouldn?t be felt until after the election.

2013: Tax increases and Medicare cuts

Over the next ten years, Obamacare cuts $716 billion from the Medicare program in order to fund its $1.9 trillion in new health spending over the same period. $156 billion of those cuts come from the market-oriented Medicare Advantage program, and those Medicare Advantage cuts start to kick in in 2013. 27 percent of all seniors are enrolled in Medicare Advantage, including 32 percent in Wisconsin and 36 percent in Ohio.

The chief actuary of the Medicare program, Richard Foster, has estimated that these cuts to Medicare Advantage will force more than half of MA enrollees out of the program. ?[Obamacare?s] new provisions will?result in less generous benefit packages. We estimate that in 2017, when the MA provisions will be fully phased in, enrollment in MA plans will be lower by about 50 percent (from its projected level of 14.8 million under the prior law to 7.4 million under the new law).?

Those cuts were supposed to kick in during Obama?s first term. But the Department of Health and Human Services decided to illegally spend $8.4 billion of taxpayer money?without Congressional authorization?to prop up the MA program until the 2012 election. Once the election is over, however, the cuts will come.

In addition, a number of Obamacare?s tax increases will come into effect. The law will, among other things, raise taxes on investment income, itemized medical expenses, privately-sponsored retiree prescription-drug coverage, medical devices, and flexible spending accounts.

2014: Individual mandate, new spending, more taxes

2014 is the critical year for Obamacare. It?s the year that the bulk of the law?s provisions go into effect. Notably, it?s the year that the law?s controversial individual mandate goes into effect, requiring most Americans to buy a government-sanctioned health insurance product. But the mandate is too weak, and will incentivize Americans to skip out on insurance and take advantage of Obamacare?s requirement that insurers take them after they?ve already fallen ill.

In addition, 2014 is the year that Obamacare?s employer mandate begins to be enforced. That mandate requires all businesses with 50 or more workers to provide government-approved health insurance to all of their workers, or face steep fines. In reality, the mandate will encourage many employers to stop hiring full-time workers, or drop coverage so that workers can fall under the law?s subsidized exchanges.

2014 is also the year that Obamacare?s gusher of new spending kicks in, through its expansion of the Medicaid program and the institution of federally subsidized health insurance exchanges. Once these two programs are in place, it will become impossible to repeal Obamacare.

In 2014, Obamacare guts the laws related to consumer-driven health plans, by capping deductibles in the small-group market at $2,000 for individuals and $4,000 for families, down from $6,050 and $12,100 today. By forcing insurers to offer lower deductibles, Obamacare will drive premiums upward, making insurance less affordable, and diminishing the utility of health-savings accounts.

Also, in 2014, Obamacare will force insurers covering small businesses and individuals to cover a set of ?essential health benefits? defined by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. By forcing all insurers to cover what Washington wants, regardless of cost, insurance will become more expensive.

In addition, the law will impose a tax on health insurance premiums, though labor unions and government-sponsored plans are exempted from the tax. The premium tax is probably the dumbest provision in Obamacare, and that?s saying a lot: insurers will be forced to pass the cost of the tax onto policyholders, making health insurance less affordable and driving government subsidies upward in compensation.

2015-16: More spending and tax increases

If President Obama is reelected, he will preside over significant spending and tax increases during the latter half of his second term. In 2010, the Congressional Budget Office calculated that the ten-year cost of Obamacare, in terms of its spending increases, was $944 billion. In July of 2012, the CBO?s ten-year spending estimate was $1.9 trillion. By 2015, the CBO?s ten-year spending projections are likely to exceed $2.5 trillion.

Our federal debt exceeds $16 trillion today. Under the Congressional Budget Office?s alternative fiscal scenario?its most realistic estimate of future spending and revenue?Obama?s second term will add another $4 trillion to the federal debt, along with the $6 trillion he incurred in his first term. It wasn?t that long ago?2008, in fact?when Senator Obama called George W. Bush ?unpatriotic? for racking up $4 trillion in debt during his eight years in office.

2017 and beyond: Bankrupt hospitals; premium hikes; doctor shortages

Richard Foster, the chief actuary of the Medicare program in the Obama administration, estimates that Obamacare?s cuts to Medicare will drive 15 percent of Medicare providers out of business by 2019, and even more in future years. ?Absent other changes,? says Foster, ?the lower Medicare payment rates would result in negative total facility margins for an estimated 15 percent of hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and home health agencies by 2019, and this percentage would reach roughly 25 percent in 2030 and 40 percent by 2050.?

Obama adviser Jonathan Gruber, who was heavily involved in designing Obamacare?s insurance regulations, calculates that the law will significantly drive up health insurance premiums in the non-group market: by 2016, premiums will go up by an average of 19 percent in Colorado, and 30 percent in Wisconsin, relative to what they would have been without Obamacare. And that?s the average; due to Obamacare?s community rating provision, premiums for young people will go up even more.

In addition, the law will make it harder for tens of millions of Americans to see their doctors, especially those with government-sponsored health insurance. Just as the baby boomers are retiring, requiring more health care, baby boomer physicians will also be retiring. As a result, even without Obamacare, we?ll have less doctors per capita than we need. On top of that, Obamacare will subsidize increased health-care consumption by $1.9 trillion, without increasing the supply of physicians. Under such a system, patients with government-sponsored insurance, who pay less than private insurers, will move to the back of the line.

So far, the case against Obamacare has been about what the law will do in the future. If President Obama is reelected, the future will be at hand.


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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Global Strategies: Portland PTA's mayoral debate

10 23 12 005edited
Last night the Portland Council PTA held a one hour mayoral debate featuring Charlie Hales and Jefferson Smith. About fifty attended. The format relied on questions, many from student 8 6 12 006editedmoderators. Both candidates gave education high priority. Both will, they said, advocate for more educational funding.

There was one interesting question relevant to the foreign language education themes of this blog. There was a question about ?multilingual schools.? It was not clear what the questioner meant, so both candidates interpreted the question differently.

Charlie Hales spoke of his experiences with and general satisfaction with immersion programs. Both of his sons were educated in a Spanish language immersion program in Portland Public Schools. One son, because he already knew one second-language, was taught Arabic in the military an7 25a 12 003editedd served as an Arabic interpreter. The other son is now the stage manager at the Milagro Theater, where he speaks Spanish daily.

Jefferson Smith spoke of school districts where student spoke up to seventy-six different foreign languages. He said we need to ?adapt? the schools to their needs but currently have not yet figured out how to do that. He offered a few general ideas.

Neither, unfortunately, connected their answers to Portland?s economic future. Portland?s best economic future is to export more to the large and growing markets abroad. To do so we need10 18 12 039edited workers with foreign language skills and foreign market experiences. Right now our educational system is not producing such workers in sufficient numbers. ?More immersion programs in critical languages, like Mandarin, are needed and those students who speak foreign languages in their homes should be seen as opportunities for us to develop.


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Pending home sales rise modestly in September

Paul Sakuma / AP

The housing market is steadily healing after collapsing in 2006, supported by modest job gains, increased job security and record low mortgage rates.

By Reuters

Contracts to buy previously owned homes rose far less than expected in September, an industry group said on Thursday, but the data continued to point to an improving tone in the housing market.

The National Association of Realtors said its Pending Home Sales Index, based on contracts signed in September, gained 0.3 percent to 99.5.

Economists polled by Reuters had expected signed contracts, which become sales after a month or two, to rise 2.1 percent after declining 2.6 percent in August.

"This means only minor movement is likely in near-term existing home sales, but with positive underlying market fundamentals they should continue on an uptrend in 2013," said NAR chief economist Lawrence Yun.

The housing market is steadily healing after collapsing in 2006, supported by modest job gains, increased job security and record low mortgage rates. Pending home sales were up 14.5 percent in the 12 months to September.

Contracts were up in three of the country's four regions. They fell 5.8 percent in the Midwest to the lowest rate since January.

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| Review | Two Cheers for Anarchism by James C. Scott | The Coffin ...

There is nothing like election time to reveal the ignorance of educated Americans. This is especially the case in the current election, when many misguided people under the conservative persuasion mistakenly understand the ideological battle between Obama and Romney as one of socialism versus democracy. Yet when asked to define socialism, it?s doubtful that anyone on the right or the left could give you a correct answer. Similar to communism, socialism simply means that the state owns wealth and the means of production. Things like universal health-care and higher tax rates aren?t socialist, they are just standard features of any developed democratic nation. As President Obama does not have a political agenda that includes a government take-over of the means of production, the word socialism is clearly a widely misunderstood and incorrectly used term.

Yet anarchism is even more misunderstood than socialism. For most people that consider themselves educated, the word anarchy has connotations of destruction and chaos. (And indeed, while mayhem has nothing to do with the actual anarchist ideology, we just might get to experience such a crude form of anarchy if Romney is elected and allowed to systematically deconstruct America?s social system. But Romney?s proposed attack on government isn?t really anarchism either.) Thankfully, Yale professor James C. Scott and Princeton Press have recently published Two Cheers for Anarchism, an easy to read book that will help illuminate the concept of anarchism for anyone under misconceptions about the sophisticated ideology of anarchy.

Rather than attempt to convince readers to join their local anarchist party, Scott?s goal in writing Two Cheers for Anarchism is to make ?a case for a sort of anarchist squint? by relating anecdotes that demonstrate the fundamental ideas of anarchism. In fact, the founders and figures of classic anarchist ideology are mostly absent, which would be like writing a book about communism without talking about Marx, Lenin, or Mao. Scott completely neglects contemporary anarchists like Noam Chomsky and influential anarchists like Emma Goldman. He references Mikhail Bakunin, the father of anarchism, only in the prologue, quoting the apt insight that ?freedom without socialism is privilege and injustice; socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality.? Similarly, it?s only in the prologue that Scott mentions Proudhoun, who defines anarchism as ?cooperation with hierarchy or state rule.? Instead of writing like an academic, Scott ingeniously employs the use of what he calls ?fragments??vignettes that illustrate the ?anarchist tolerance for confusion and improvisation that accompanies social learning, and confidence in spontaneous cooperation and reciprocity.? To further stress his unorthodox approach, Scott introduces many chapters with quotes from Lao Tzu?s Tao te Ching, a work from the 6th century B.C. considered to contain the earliest anarchist themes.

One of the most interesting ideas in Two Cheers for Anarchism is that of ?anarchist calisthenics,? which is exercising individual freedom through small, seemingly insignificant acts of disobedience. For example, while working in East Germany back in the 80s, Scott was fascinated while watching dozens of German pedestrians wait several minutes at intersections for a green light, rather than jaywalk, even when it was clear that no car was approaching. Scott links this example of blind obedience to the law with the difficulty Germans had in not disobeying the immoral and unjust laws of the fascist government that occupied their country in the 30s and 40s. Scott argues that if people practice breaking a trivial law when it is logical to do so, then people would have a much easier time breaking serious laws when they know it is wrong to obey those laws. In order to not sound too much like an anarchist, Scott clarifies that the ?willingness to break the law is not to sow chaos, but to instate a more just legal order.?

Much of Two Cheers for Anarchism supports the notion that all great political reform has been achieved through massive civil disobedience, not through organized institutional changes; Scott?s main premise is that government policy is actually influenced by thousands of small, insignificant and anonymous acts of insubordination. Rather than open confrontation through political or physical means, these anonymous acts of defiance include desertion rather than mutiny, foot-dragging rather than striking, and, in cases where there is severe inequality, poaching, sabotage, and arson. These acts naturally encourage a ?complicity of silence? on both sides; they escape notice in the media or in political discussions, but because politicians see such acts as precursors to an all-out rebellion, these small acts have big influence. In other words, ?one need not have an actual conspiracy to achieve the practical effects of a conspiracy.?

Scott quickly moves on from encouraging insubordination to show that anarchism is actually about an unstructured, localized, spontaneous approach to public policy. Order from central planning is deceptive; it works on paper, but not in reality. The standardized practices of big agriculture have proven destructive, with un-rotated crops sucking nutrients from the soil and being vulnerable to disease. Agribusiness is furthermore ?diabolical? in how it has transformed free, independent chicken farmers into closely monitored assembly-line workers who have no freedom over their own operations due to the amount of debt they?ve acquired in following the directions of large chicken corporations. Planned cities with sharply defined residential, commercial, and industrial zoning laws are undesirable for their sterility. Schools that focus on standardized tests produce unintelligent students, as well as corrupt teachers who must focus on meeting required test scores in order to stay employed. There are less traffic accidents in intersections without traffic lights. Universities that grant tenure and hire faculty based on the amount of books published or number of articles cited have replaced the quality of education with a quantitative measurement. The rise of the assembly line in factories effectively eliminated artisanal-craft knowledge. In case after case, Scott shows that ?it is erroneous to equate visual order with working order.? Governments and institutions only have standardization because it is easy to measure and compare, even though what is measurable is often valueless; for example, you can?t measure the things that actually matter to people, like happiness, kindness, maturity, or love. In Einstein?s words, ?Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted, counts.?

The underlying fact that policy makers unfortunately ignore is that a lack of structure facilitates spontaneous adaptation and growth, while standardized static policies are destructive for a creative and progressive society. The overall point of Two Cheers for Anarchism seems to be that our policy makers are misguided; in the interest of production we create social structures that are not only inefficient but detrimental to a successful and sustainable society. Scott also reminds us that the reliance on standardization and quantification fosters the manipulation of data, resulting in such things as the 2008 financial collapse, the deterioration of our education system, and the destruction of our environment. The solution to the world?s problems, and perhaps humanity?s salvation, lies not in adjusting our political process, but in adjusting our way of thinking by putting on ?anarchist glasses.?

It would be too ironic to say that Two Cheers for Anarchism is weakened by its lack of structure, and that it would have benefited from further elaboration and cohesion, but that?s the truth. Nevertheless, we should be grateful that this book was published during election time. Anyone who desires to see a more democratic, just, and equal world should consider Scott?s conclusion that ?great emancipatory gains for human freedom have not been the result of orderly, institution procedures but of disorderly, unpredictable, spontaneous action cracking open the social order from below.?

This means that anyone who has Hope and believes in Change shouldn?t support ineffectual institutions like the Democratic Party, but should rather support true engines of social progress such as the anarchistic Occupy movement.


Princeton?University?Press, October 2012




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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Equity Release ? The Answer to Retirement Debt?

It is estimated that the potential for outstanding mortgage debt at retirement over the next 25 years will be a staggering average of ?52,446, and that some 400,000 people will be affected. Entering retirement with increased debt burden is not something to look forward to, and maybe the solution is equity release. Like all financial products, it is essential you investigate thoroughly with a licensed professional?adviser?to make sure it is right for you, and also to understand what schemes are available.

The ?What Is Equity Release? Site? ? Answers to Your Retirement Finance Questions

At the aptly named What is equity release? Site, you can find everything you need to know about releasing the tied up equity in a property. Hundreds of thousands of people entering or approaching retirement are looking at ways and means to release the money tied up in their property. These reasons are myriad and are as unique as the person and the property.

At the What is equity release? Site, you can find the latest news about how equity release can be affected and information about the Equity release Council. Further information can be obtained about the activities of the Financial Services Authority, the government body that regulates the industry.

Like any financial services, product equity release schemes have reasons for and against opting in. Any individual or couple considering opting into one of the many schemes available should always seek the advice of a professional?adviser? one who is licensed to deal with such matters. The level of debt you may have at retirement and the equity store the property contains will both dictate the scheme you can enter.

From lender to lender, there are similar and yet vastly differing schemes which you can sign up to. Varying periods over which loans can be taken out combined with limits on the ratio of the loan to value will dictate which scheme is best suited to your personal circumstances.

You may be in a situation where you will have to sell your current home and downsize to something more manageable. On the other hand, you may be able to refinance and stay in your home for the foreseeable future. The sum of money you are likely to receive will be tax free; however, depending on your personal circumstances, the tax exemption may not apply and the advice of a suitably qualified professional should be sought regarding your tax affairs and how it might affect you.

Over recent years, pension pots have dwindled in value and the cost of living has been inexorably increasing, easily beating the value of savings. With interest rates for savers at their lowest ever, it is now effectively costing money just to keep it in a savings vehicle. Increasingly, equity release has been providing the solution to the shortfall, offering more and more retirees the potential of a more comfortable retirement forecast than was previously thought possible.

If you own property, are approaching or entering retirement, and the financial future looks anything less than bright, check out the What Is Equity Release? Site today to see how you could benefit from an equity release scheme.

Graham Green is a freelance writer and researcher for several finance related websites and is constantly researching the latest in news about mortgages, credit news, and general finance. He has regularly read with interest the information on the What Is Equity Release? Site.

Boeing tests microwave missile that knocks out electronics, represents our worst nightmare (video)

Boeing tests microwave missile that knocks out electronics, represents our worst nightmare video

Forget bombs or the robopocalypse. In our minds, the most fearsome weapon is the one that disables our gadgets. That's what makes Boeing's newly tested Counter-electronics High-powered Microwave Advanced Missile Project (CHAMP) scarier than most projectiles. The missile bombards targets underneath with microwaves that shut down computers, power systems and just about anything electrical in their path. Thankfully, CHAMP's invisible payload arrives in discrete bursts and arguably makes it the world's most advanced (and likely expensive) non-lethal weapon: the prototype can target multiple individual buildings without ever having to detonate and hurt someone. Boeing is still developing CHAMP in a multi-year program and doesn't have guarantees that it will become military ordnance, which gives us enough time to accept that saving lives is far, far more important than the risk we'll have to stop fiddling with our technology.

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Tyrur Stefani and Trickys Biscuit in collision for the Gloria Harper ...

Tyrur Stefani and Trickys Biscuit in collision for the Gloria Harper 65th Birthday Stakes

Attempting to add another success on the profile by claiming the Grade OR Gloria Harper 65th Birthday Stakes are six highly talented and versatile hounds. They will race over 500 metres flat on Tuesday, 23rd October, 2012 at Sheffield. The prize money set for the race is ?200.

Breaking in red will be, Tyrur Stefani, and racing in black and white from the other extreme end will be, Hather Sherlock. The four contestants lined up in between are Patterdale Cejay, Trickys Biscuit, Hather George and Pats Legacy.

Not all who are participating have raced at the track recently, but there are two candidates who have made the best out of the chance that they were exposed to.

Tyrur Stefani and Trickys Biscuit have raced at the track recently, however both do not have anything to be proud of in the outcome of the last races.

The 6 to 1 red trap, Tyrur Stefani, won the Sheffield Stadium Maiden 500 on 9th October, 2012 at Sheffield over 500 metres. She had drawn the second trap, worked on increasing her distance from the rest of the lot, and made the transit to the other end by staying in lead throughout the track distance.

Missing the winner?s prize money by a length?s mark was, Trickys Biscuit, while filling up the third position was, Friends Said No.

The try on 18th October, 2012 at Monmore did not turn out to be the most desired as she ended fourth in the Ladbrokes Game On Bitches 480 Heat 2. She took off from the first trap while the race was won by, Forest Dot, who concluded the race in 28.89 seconds.

Im Tricky?s three-year-old black and white dog out of, Local Lady, Trickys Biscuit, qualified as the runner-up in the Sheffield Stadium Maiden 500 on 9th October, 2012 at Sheffield over 500 metres.

The reason for the failure of the third trap was the lead that he could not hold a firm grip on. He missed the chance by a length from, Tyrur Stefani. Both will collide tonight, and who will end at which position will unfold soon.

The R. Holt trained is backed by 7 to 1 odds and will race from the third trap.

The views expressed in this article are the writer's own and in no way represent official editorial policy.




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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Little Bear, Sal and One Unforgettable Forgettable Day -

Little Sal?s mother slowly backed away. (She was old enough to be shy of bears, even very small bears like Little Bear.) Then she turned and walked away quickly to look for Little Sal. ?Blueberries for Sal,? by Robert McCloskey

Could any picture book be more charming than ?Blueberries for Sal??

As a child, I was thrilled (and pleasantly anxious) by the account of that afternoon?s parallel adventures: ?Little Bear and Little Sal?s mother and Little Sal and Little Bear?s mother were all mixed up with each other among the blueberries on Blueberry Hill.? I loved the mothers? silly mistakes, and their worry and instant determination to find their children. And the fact that the mix-up was solved before Little Sal or Little Bear had time to be scared. I loved the sound that the berries made as they fell into Little Sal?s tin pail: ?Kuplink, kuplank, kuplunk!?

Nowadays, I also find myself studying the clothes the mother is wearing; and estimating the year the action takes place, based on the kitchen furniture; and imagining the kind of life where you go blueberry picking with your daughter and can the berries for the winter.

And I still get the same sense of comfort and security from these two timeless mothers and children, all mixed up on Blueberry Hill.

I recently read James Salter?s wonderful novel, ?Light Years,? and I was struck by his observation, of a family afternoon at the beach with a seven-year-old and a nine-year-old: ?These years are endless, but they cannot be remembered.? This line reminds me of my Secret of Adulthood, ?The days are long, but the years are short.? These small adventures are precious, because they help us to remember days that are both vivid and forgettable.


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    LONDON--Joanna Shields, head of social media group Facebook's operations in Europe, is leaving to join a British government-sponsored venture to create London's answer to Silicon ...

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    Japan trade hit by Europe crisis, China tensions

    TOKYO (AP) ? Japan's trade deficit widened in September, the third straight month of shortfall, as exports plunged 10.3 percent from a year earlier, weighed down by Europe's debt crisis and a surge in antagonisms with China that have damaged close economic ties.

    The deficit for September was 558.6 billion yen ($7.2 billion), the Finance Ministry said Monday, higher than the forecasts of many analysts and bigger than a deficit of about $3.7 billion a year earlier. The deficit in August was $9.6 billion.

    September's exports totaled 5.4 trillion yen ($68.7 billion). Imports rose 4 percent from a year earlier to 5.9 trillion yen ($75.9 billion), continuing to be inflated by additional imports of oil and other fuels for power generation as most nuclear reactors remain offline in the aftermath of last year's Fukushima nuclear disaster.

    The ministry figures show exports to all regions falling, apart from a meager 0.4 percent year-on-year gain in shipments to North America. Exports to crisis-stricken Europe plummeted 26 percent.

    A territorial dispute with China that sparked anti-Japanese riots in September took a heavy toll, with exports to China sinking 14 percent from a year earlier to 953.4 billion yen ($12.2 billion). Imports from China climbed 3.8 percent to 1.28 trillion yen ($16.4 billion).

    The rise in antagonisms over disputed islands in the East China Sea has been especially hard on the auto industry. Auto exports fell 15 percent in September from the year before

    The strong Japanese yen has hurt the country's export competitiveness, while demand has evaporated as growth slowed in most regions. Exports of consumer electronics, a mainstay, fell by double-digit figures from a year earlier.


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    Monday, October 22, 2012

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    Earthquake predictions and a triumph of scientific illiteracy in an Italian court

    An Italian court sentenced scientists to jail time for not having a functioning crystal ball ahead of the 2009 earthquake in L'Aquila. The arguments of science and reason fell on deaf ears.

    By Dan Murphy,?Staff writer / October 22, 2012

    This April 2009 file photo released by the Italian Forestry Police Force shows an aerial view of the destruction following an earthquake in the city of L'Aquila, central Italy. An Italian court on Monday convicted seven scientists and experts of manslaughter for failing to adequately warn citizens before an earthquake struck central Italy in 2009, killing more than 300 people.

    Guardia Forestale/AP/File


    Rarely since a Catholic inquisition in Rome condemned Galileo Galilei to spend the remainder of his days under house arrest for the heresy of teaching that the Earth revolves around the sun, has an Italian court been so wrong about science.?

    Skip to next paragraph Dan Murphy

    Staff writer

    Dan Murphy is a staff writer for the Monitor's international desk, focused on the Middle East.?Murphy, who has reported from Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, and more than a dozen other countries, writes and edits Backchannels. The focus? War and international relations, leaning toward things Middle East.

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    Today, a court in the central Italian city of L'Aquila, 380 years after that miscarriage of justice, sentenced six scientists and a government bureaucrat to six years in jail on manslaughter charges for their failure to predict a 2009 earthquake that left more than 300 people dead.

    This headline isn't the sort of thing that's generally expected from Italy anymore. The church quietly abandoned its objections to heliocentrism in the early years of the 18th century, and by the early 19th, had fully accepted the scientific facts.

    Sunday, October 21, 2012

    Libyan turmoil persists year after Gadhafi death

    TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) ? On the anniversary of the capture and killing of Moammar Gadhafi, Libya is still grappling with the legacy of his four decades of rule as the interim government and the dictator's former spokesman engaged in a war of words amid the ongoing chaos.

    The Libyan government said Saturday its forces had detained Gadhafi's high profile spokesman Moussa Ibrahim, but an online recording from a man purporting to be Ibrahim denied that claim and said he wasn't even in the country.

    The conflicting reports, neither of which could be independently verified, reflect the turmoil that has persisted over the past year, leaving the oil-rich North African nation deeply divided. Tensions have spiked as rival forces battle over the city of Bani Walid.

    Bani Walid, some 140 kilometers (90 miles) southeast of Tripoli, was the last major city in Libya to fall to the uprising, thanks in part to its protected location in a valley near the mountains. Over the past year, it has seen periodic violence and emerged as the most significant town in Libya still resisting the country's new authorities since Gadhafi was slain near his hometown of Sirte last year.

    "We've lost too many people in Bani Walid and we are still losing them so I don't think it's time for a celebration," said Abdessalem Mahfoud, a local neighborhood council member in Tripoli, when asked about the anniversary of Gadhafi's death.

    The turmoil in Libya, which overthrew Gadhafi last year with the help of NATO airstrikes, has become a campaign issue in the U.S. presidential race after an attack on the U.S. consulate in the eastern city of Benghazi killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

    For many who fought against Gadhafi, the new Libya cannot be born until the last vestiges of the old regime, fugitives like Ibrahim and towns like Bani Walid, have been routed.

    "I don't think things are really moving in the right direction until we finish with Bani Walid because it is stopping us from making a new Libya," said Abdel-Basit al-Mzirig, a former deputy justice minister and now on Libya's human rights council.

    A statement from the prime minister office said that Ibrahim was caught at a checkpoint outside Bani Walid while trying to flee a recent uptick in fighting over the town and would be taken to Tripoli for questioning.

    However, the government produced no proof of its claim and hours later, Ibrahim had not been seen in public. State television did briefly show a photograph of a man in a hospital bed with a bandaged shoulder which they labeled as the former spokesman, but the veracity of the photo could also not be confirmed.

    The urbane, English-speaking Ibrahim became the face of the regime in its final months and was the most well-known former regime figure to remain unaccounted for after Gadhafi's son and heir-apparent Seif al-Islam was taken late last year. The regime's former intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senoussi was later detained in Mauritania and extradited to Libya.

    It is not clear what charges Ibrahim might face, but officials in the past have suggested he might be accused of incitement and disseminating false information.

    The seven-minute recording, which was posted on Ibrahim's Facebook page, rejected the reports that he had been captured, as well as subsequent, unconfirmed rumors about the detention of Gadhafi's son Khamis, who was reportedly killed last year.

    "We are outside of Libya. We have no relations with Bani Walid and no contact with it. We are nowhere near Bani Walid," he said.

    Libyans have failed to overcome deep enmities between those who fought to overthrow Gadhafi and former loyalists of the late leader, whose eccentric and brutal rule focused on pitting tribes against one another.

    Al-Mzirig said many remnants of the old regime are still working inside the government and only after they have been removed will the country fulfill the promises of the uprising, which began in February 2011 as part of the Arab Spring wave of revolts that swept the Middle East but quickly morphed into a civil war.

    This attitude, common among many who fought in the uprising, bodes ill for future efforts to bring rival groups together.

    In the year since Gadhafi's death, conflicts have broken out around the country, and despite the unprecedented election of a 200-person national assembly, the central government is weak and power remains with the armed groups that sprung up with the rebellion.

    A hard-line Islamist militia in Benghazi, Ansar al-Shariah, is widely believed to have been behind the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate, although it has denied responsibility.

    These groups, especially the armed militias, have often pursued their own agendas, some dating back to longstanding feuds inside a country Gadhafi controlled unchecked for more than four decades.

    After Gadhafi was killed, the former rebels negotiated a takeover of the Bani Walid and then looted it, prompting the angry citizens to form their own militia and throw out their new rulers in January.

    The tensions boiled over when one of the rebels celebrated for being among those who captured Gadhafi, Omran Shaaban, was captured and allegedly tortured by the Bani Walid militia.

    He later died in a French hospital and stencils of his name and face can be seen painted on buildings in Tripoli. As the militias gathered for revenge, the government authorized them to retrieve those responsible for the killing, setting the stage for the current siege.

    "We are protecting Libya because there are pro-Gadhafi people in Bani Walid. There are many wanted people there ? they are devils," said Omar Saleh, a militiamen with the Libyan Shield manning the Umm Rashrash checkpoint 60 kilometers (40 miles) from Bani Walid. "We haven't started to bombard them yet ? we could if we wanted ? but we are afraid of hitting civilians."

    Libya is still building a national army and transitional authorities depended heavily on ex-rebel forces such as Libya Shield to secure the country.

    The civilians, meanwhile, streamed out of the town as the steady thump of heavy machine guns could be heard from miles away.

    They said the main road was blocked but they had taken dirt roads through olive groves toward the nearby town of Tarhouna.

    Trucks piled high with mattresses and filled with children and women wearing all-encompassing robes were searched by the militia before being sent on their way.

    "I left Bani Walid at 5 a.m. There is random shelling there and people are dying, including women and children," Ghaith Hadi Ghaith said as he waited for his car to be inspected. "There is nothing to eat or drink."

    He said the shooting was coming from all sides. He claimed the city only had 150 to 160 pro-Gadhafi people, but that was hotly disputed by the militiamen who said there was a list of 400 wanted figures from the old regime and hundreds more gunmen.


    Associated Press writers Esam Mohamed in Tripoli and Sarah El Deeb in Cairo contributed to this report.


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    Romney ups criticism of Obama's second-term plans

    DELRAY BEACH, Fla. (AP) ? Heading into the campaign's final weeks, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is upping his criticism of President Barack Obama's plans for a second term, accusing the Democrat of failing to tell Americans what he would do with four more years. The Obama campaign is aggressively disputing the notion, claiming it's Romney who hasn't provided specific details to voters.

    At campaign events, in a new ad and fundraising appeal out Saturday, Romney is setting up the closing weeks as a choice between what he says is a "small" campaign that's offering little new policy and his own ambitious plan to fundamentally change America's tax code and entitlement programs.

    The new Romney ad criticizes the president's policies on debt, health care, taxes, energy and Medicare, arguing that Obama is simply offering more of the same. The campaign did not say where the spot would air. The fundraising appeal hits Obama for raising taxes and increasing the debt by $5.5 trillion, repeating the lack-of-agenda criticism.

    "Although President Obama won't lay out his plan for a second term, we already know what it will be ? a repeat of the last four years. We can't afford four more years of crushing debt and wasteful spending," Romney says in the letter, adding he has a clear plan to put America on a path to prosperity.

    Both Obama and Romney retreated from the campaign trail Saturday to bone up on foreign policy, leaving the work of courting voters to their running mates.

    Vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan on Saturday continued the no-agenda theme against Obama at campaign stops near Pittsburgh and in Belmont, Ohio.

    "He's not even telling you what he plans on doing," Ryan told a rain-soaked crowd of about 1,100 people at a campground in coal-rich eastern Ohio.

    Obama's campaign disputes the notion that the president hasn't outlined a detailed second-term agenda, pointing to his calls for immigration reform, ending tax breaks for upper income earners, fully implementing his health care overhaul and ending the war in Afghanistan.

    In a statement sent after Romney's Friday night event, Obama campaign spokesman Danny Kanner ticked through a series of policy items, calling them "just part of President Obama's agenda for a second term."

    Obama, at the Democratic National Convention, called for creating 1 million manufacturing jobs over the next four years with a mix of corporate tax rate cuts and innovation and training programs. He has set a goal of cutting the growth of college tuition in half over the next 10 years. He also has called for Congress to pass proposals he made last year that include includes tax credits for companies that hire new workers and funding for local municipalities to hire more teachers, police officers and firefighters.

    As for why Republicans would back the same proposals they have already voted against, Obama has told supporters he expects his re-election would "break the fever" on Capitol Hill that led to gridlock during his first term.

    Vice President Joe Biden made a diagnosis of his own on Saturday, saying Ryan had caught "Romnesia," the word Obama used the day before to describe what he calls Romney's changing polices.

    "That man is contagious," Biden said of Romney, to loud cheers at a campaign stop in St. Augustine, Fla. "Congressman Ryan caught it as well."

    He said the Wisconsin Congressman is now giving a new explanation for cuts in the budget he oversaw and passed in the House.

    The president's aides are particularly irked by the questions about Obama's second-term agenda, because they say it's Romney who has failed to provide voters with details. They point to his refusal to provide specifics about his tax plan or outline what he would replace the president's health care overhaul with if he makes good on his promise to repeal the federal law.

    An independent group backing Obama, though, is trying to renew attention on Romney's tenure at the helm of the private equity firm Bain Capital. The group, Priorities USA Action, is re-airing an ad about an AMPAD plant in Marion, Ind. That spot features former employee Mike Earnest recalling being told to build a stage from which officials of the office supply company later announced mass layoffs.

    He says, "It was like building my own coffin." That ad first aired in battleground states in the summer.

    Romney aides have said AMPAD was a struggling business to begin with, and Bain overall created many more jobs than were lost.

    That ad will air in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Ohio, Nevada, Virginia and Wisconsin. The new campaign will be in addition to a $30 million effort against Romney policy proposals, the group said.

    Monday's debate in Boca Raton, Fla., with its focus on international affairs, is the third and final between the two rivals and comes just 15 days before the election.

    Obama left Friday for Camp David, the presidential hideaway in Maryland's Catoctin Mountains, where he is huddled with advisers preparing for the debate. Among those with him are White House senior adviser David Plouffe and senior campaign strategist David Axelrod. Aides say Obama was also being assisted by National Security Adviser Tom Donilon and former Obama aide Karen Dunn.

    Romney was also with aides preparing for the debate, spending the weekend in Florida.

    Both campaigns are heavily targeting Florida and its 29 electoral votes ? the most of any tossup state. It was the second day of a two-day Florida swing for Biden, which overlapped a two-day swing by Ryan. Romney's wife, Ann, was also in Florida Saturday and First Lady Michelle Obama planned a visit Monday, ahead of the presidential debate that night in Boca Raton. The president is planning at least two days of campaigning in Florida after the debate.

    Monday's 90-minute debate will be moderated by Bob Schieffer of CBS News. It will be similar to the first debate, with both men standing at lecterns on a stage. Schieffer has listed five subject areas, with more time devoted to the Middle East and terrorism than any other topic.

    While the economy has been the dominant theme of the election, foreign policy has attracted renewed media attention in the aftermath of the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens.

    Obama had ranked well with the public on his handling of international issues and in fighting terrorism, especially following the death of Osama bin Laden. But the administration's response to the Libya attack and questions over levels of security at the consulate have given Romney and his Republican allies an issue with which to raise doubts about Obama's foreign policy leadership.

    Romney has spent large amounts of time off the campaign trail to prepare for the upcoming foreign policy debate. Aides say the additional time preparing is well-spent even if it comes at the expense of public events.


    Kuhnhenn reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Julie Pace and Ken Thomas in Washington and Ann Sanner in Belmont, Ohio, contributed to this report.


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    Capital Access Forum: Providing access to capital Home Equity ...

    21 October, 2012

    Home equity loans or lines of credit have increased dramatically in popularity in recent years. One of the reasons is that interest rates are at or near historic lows; borrowing money has rarely been more affordable. Another reason is that Americans are enjoying record amounts of equity as home values have skyrocketed in recent years. Given that the loans are affordable and the equity is available, many homeowners are wondering if a home equity loan would be a good way to finance expensive lifestyle items. Would borrowing against your home be a good way to purchase that Dodge Viper you've always wanted? How about that around the world cruise you have always dreamed about? Is taking out a home equity loan for luxury purchases a good idea?

    As with any financial transaction, there are good points and bad points to borrowing against your home to buy luxury items. The good points are numerous. Unlike a credit card or standard auto loan, a home equity loan offers deductible interest on your tax return, provided that the loan does not exceed $100,000. If you pay taxes in the 28% tax bracket, you are effectively getting a 28-cent rebate on every dollar you pay in interest. That is certainly appealing. The fees associated with a home equity loan have come down in recent years, and the application process is much simpler than in the past.

    The good points make it seem like a good idea, but the bad points are considerable. Most home equity loans have terms that extend quite some time, typically ranging from 5-15 years in duration. Do you really want to pay for a car for fifteen years? It is quite likely that you'll still be paying for that luxury car long after it has gone to the junkyard. The same applies to that around the world cruise, which will be long forgotten by the time it has actually been paid for. It may make sense to fund a luxury car with a home equity loan if the term of the loan is only five years and you actually plan to keep the car for that long. Otherwise, funding the purchase with a more traditional loan would be a better choice.

    Of course, if you have already made the purchases and you are maintaining a balance on a high-interest credit card, it might be wise to consolidate your debt with an equity loan. Trading a 20% loan for a 6% loan is certainly a smart move. The best advice for anyone considering funding a luxury purchase through a home loan would be to consult with a tax advisor.

    About the author: ?Copyright 2005 by Retro Marketing. Charles Essmeier is the owner of Retro Marketing, a firm devoted to informational Websites, including, a site devoted to debt consolidation and credit counseling, and, a site devoted to information regarding mortgages and home equity lending .

    Author: Charles Essmeier


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    Saturday, October 20, 2012

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    Latest news from WNW Design?

    Broadband is Key to Economic Development

    Economic development in rural areas is being put at risk because of failures to provide adequate access to the internet, a business group has warned. The Country Land and Business Association (CLA) says up to a fifth of people in rural areas still do not have adequate broadband services.

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    This week Tesco announced that it plans to cut back on new store openings in favour of internet-only capacity as shoppers turn backs on weekly trip to the supermarket. In response Tesco is cutting back on store openings to focus on its internet arm where sales are expected to double to more than ?5bn over the next five years.

    ?Ten Top Tips for Successful Ecommerce?


    Apple?s New Product Launch Overshadowed by Maps Fiasco

    The new Maps app was introduced this week as part of iOS6 and ousts Google Maps as the iPhone?s default mapping software. The pile of complaints it generated threatened to overshadow the retail launch of the iPhone 5.

    A quick search of the area surrounding the WNW Design office showed a range of businesses listed that had moved or ceased to exist, with much of the information three or more years out of date.

    What Will Your Office Look Like in Five Years?

    LinkedIn surveyed more than 7,000 global professionals about which tools and trends will disappear from offices in the next five years and which will become even more common. Nearly three quarters of those surveyed said they expected fax machines to disappear, making it the second most likely office technology to go extinct behind tape recorders.

    What could you do without and what items on the list could you not do without?

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