Thursday, October 11, 2012

Physical Fitness Tips For Senior Citizens | Natural Holistic Health Blog

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Physical fitness tips for seniorsThe baby boomers are the largest generation in this country?s history.

But did you know that the first of this generation reached the age of 65 in 2011?

So as the baby boomers turn into senior citizens, there will be a growing emphasis on physical fitness for seniors as the senior population explodes.

And the sad part is that these baby boomers, for the most part, have been so involved with building a career, raising a family and paying their kids? college education that they have let their health slip.

Thankfully, even making small changes now can have a significant impact on your health and quality of life ? so it?s definitely not too late to begin!

So for those of you who are about to turn 65, or may have already, and are starting to feel the effects on your health and want to regain your strength, youth and vigor, here are a few simple steps that you can perform that, when mixed with discipline, will give you the results you are seeking.

Get a complete physical: This is step 1

You need an honest appraisal of your health with your doctor to determine what your current condition is. From this, you will learn not only what your current medical condition is [ie: if you are diabetic, high blood pressure, need to lose weight, etc.] but also have a conversation with your doctor to find out some of the weight loss tips you will need to follow in order to get in shape.

Most importantly, if ANYTHING that I say here contradicts what your doctor says, please listen to your doctor.

Step 2: Start walking

I am rather certain that you will be encouraged to exercise, and I will be discussing other options in a minute, but start by walking 30 minutes a day. Make this an absolute. No matter what you do, get the 30 minutes of walking in daily.

How quick should you walk? Don?t start with a dedicated ?I will walk 4 mph? mentality. Instead, start with the attitude that you will walk hard enough so that it is difficult to carry on a conversation but you are not out of breath, and build to the point where you can walk a mile in 15 minutes, maintaining that 4 mph average speed.

Step 3: Remember that exercise doesn?t have to mean working out

Below are a few items that will give you a workout without ?working out?.

? Gardening
? Dancing
? Playing with your grandchildren
? Yard work
? Washing your car
? Home remodeling

All of these will get your heartbeat up without you going to the gym.

Step 4: Strength training

This is probably going to be tip that gets me the most resistance, especially from the women. But just hear me out for a minute.

The key to losing weight and regaining your health is to increase your metabolism so that you burn more calories when you are not working out. And the only way to effectively do this, as I said, is to speed up your metabolism. To do this in a natural and holistic fashion, there is one way to accomplish this, to add muscle to your frame.

Now, I am not suggesting to anyone here that they have to start lifting heavy weights or compete in the World?s Strongest Man competition. Quite the contrary, I am suggesting that you develop the discipline to do 20-30 minutes of resistance band and body weight workouts, from home, 2-3 days a week. Done properly, if you do resistance band exercises from home, you will be able to obtain the same workout without having to go to the gym.

Step 5: Yoga

This one the guys will resist, but don?t knock it until you have tried it. It promotes strength, flexibility and endurance. And because it is a very low impact workout it is great for people with joint problems.

Step 6: Explore other avenues of cardiovascular endurance

If you are bored with walking, especially if you do it on the treadmill at the gym, here are a few alternatives for you.

? Elliptical machine [cross country skiing]
? Step machine
? Swimming
? Step aerobics
? Kickboxing
? Rowing machine, etc?

There are plenty of options for you to choose from to get your heartbeat up. The choice is up to you. Find something you like and start moving.

Step 7: Eating right

I will mention it here even though your doctor probably talked to you about changing your diet and adding less processed foods at your physical. Make sure to listen to your doctor?s recommendations regarding your intake of sugar and salt, as well as saturated fat that can raise your cholesterol.

It is difficult to even begin thinking about getting fit and starting an exercise program if movement causes pain. There are natural remedies which can help with joint mobility and help ease the pain of arthritis conditions. JointEase Plus is the natural herbal formula for arthritis and joint-related problems that we recommend.

JointEase provides relief from painful joint conditions, lower back ache; any form of arthritis, fibrositis, myalgia or rheumatism; degenerative musculo-skeletal conditions. JointEase, which is formulated by a Clinical Psychologist, is a natural alternative to prescription anti-inflammatory drugs and manufactured to the highest pharmaceutical standards.

About the author:

Tony Rovere became an advocate for senior citizens and senior-health issues after having to deal with the complexities of the Medicaid process following his mother?s heart attack.

He now shared his insights on caregiving and senior issues at his blog, Stuff Seniors Need, which was created to help not only senior citizens but the baby boomers who are now their caregivers.

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